Tag Archives: Surgeon General

A handwritten page listing titles beginning with A. November 09

$150 for Medical Books 180 Years Later

By Kenneth M. Koyle Those who are familiar with the history of the National Library of Medicine know that the Library traces its roots to the U.S. Army Surgeon General’s Library. In 2011, the celebration of NLM’s 175th anniversary reminded us that our institution began in 1836. On this, the 180th anniversary, we take a […]

Cover, with bullet hole illustration. January 26

Nurses Organize

This post is the fourth in a series exploring the history of nursing and domestic violence from the guest blogger Catherine Jacquet, Assistant Professor of History and Women’s and Gender Studies at Louisiana State University and guest curator of NLM’s exhibition Confronting Violence: Improving Women’s Lives. During the mid-1980s nurses nationwide formally organized. Up until […]

Detail from the cover of the Understanding AIDS brochure. December 01

Challenging an Epidemic of Misinformation

By Christie Moffatt The focus of this year’s World AIDS Day is on challenging myths and focusing on facts about HIV, rethinking stereotypes and being positive about HIV. On this day we might also honor those who took up such challenges in the early years of the AIDS epidemic. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett […]

A Classified Record of Literature on Military Medicine and Surgery 1914-1917 November 05

Publications and the Army Medical Library around World War I

Dr. Sanders Marble spoke today at the National Library of Medicine on “Gathering and Spreading Knowledge: Publications and the Army Medical Library around World War I.” Dr. Marble is Senior Historian U.S. Army Office of Medical History. Circulating Now interviewed him about his work. Circulating Now: Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you […]

Photograph of the facade of the NMHM, a modern looking buidling. September 03

Field Trip: Visiting our Sister (Institution)

By Kenneth M. Koyle and Jeffrey S. Reznick Over the summer, staff of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) took a little time out for a field trip to visit our institutional relative in Silver Spring, Maryland: the National Museum of Health and Medicine (NMHM) and our colleagues who work there. The NMHM and the […]

Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders at her desk. August 13

Joycelyn Elders, United States Surgeon General

By Elizabeth Fee Joycelyn Elders was the first African-American to be appointed Surgeon-General of the United States. A brilliant, talented, and powerful woman, she had strong views and no hesitation in stating them—loudly, clearly, and honestly. She had no qualms about honing in on controversial subjects and speaking her mind, and no problem being at […]

French poster warning of danger to sun exposure. August 07

A Call To Action to Prevent Skin Cancer

By Ginny A. Roth   In the fun summer months, it is often difficult to remember that outdoor activities in the hot sun can cause serious damage to the skin. This 1997 French poster, “Le soleil peut être dangereux, travail ou loisirs, protégez-vous” (“The sun can be dangerous, at work or play, protect yourself”), published […]