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SHELDUS™ is a county-level hazard data set for the U.S. and covers natural hazards such thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and tornados as well as perils such as flash floods, heavy rainfall, etc. The database contains information on the date of an event, affected location (county and state) and the direct losses caused by the event (property and crop losses, injuries, and fatalities) from 1960 to present. Since Version 15.2, the database also includes insured crop losses (indemnity payments). Insured crop losses cover the period from January 1989 to present. The database does not contain loss information for Puerto Rico, Guam, and other U.S. territories. For more information see the SHELDUS Metadata.

Data and maps were compiled and geo-referenced by the Hazards & Vulnerability and Research Institute at the University of South Carolina. This database was originally supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 99053252 and 0220712) and the University of South Carolina's Office of the Vice President for Research. However, for the past 7 years SHELDUS™ data collection and analysis has had no support from any federal, state, local, or private stakeholders.