CloudSat Product Stats - Algorithm Developer Edition
Product Availability: Only available for 2007 through 2010.
The Cloudsat and CALIPSO Ice Cloud Property Product (2C-ICE) contains retrieved estimates of ice cloud water content (IWC), effective radius (re) and extinction coefficient for identified ice clouds measured by Cloud profiling Radar (CPR) on CloudSat or the CALIPSO Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP; hereafter referred as the Lidar). This 2C-ICE cloud product uses combined inputs of measured radar reflectivity factor from the CloudSat 2BGEOGPROF product and measured attenuated backscattering coefficients at 532 nm from CALISPO lidar to constrain the ice cloud retrieval more tightly than the radar-only product and to generate more accurate results.

Primary Publications

Process Description and Interface Control Document (PDICD)

File Name Last Modified
2C-ICE P_R04 Data Issues (39.02 KB) August 13, 2013
2C-ICE P_R04 PDICD (4.84 MB) October 14, 2011

Algorithm Specifications

Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
REAL(4) nbin,nray g/m^3 -7777 <= 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray um -7777 <= 1 0
INT(2) nray 1 0
REAL(4) nray -7777 <= 1 0
UINT(1) nray -- 0 to 127 1 0
UINT(1) nray -- 0 to 127 1 0
UINT(1) nray -- 0 to 81 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray dbz -7777 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray -7777 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray /m -7777 1 0
UINT(1) nbin,nray % -7777 <= 1 0
REAL(4) nray g/m^2 -7777 <= 1 0
UINT(1) nray % -7777 <= 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray g/m^3 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray % -7777 <= 1 0
REAL(4) nray -7777 <= 1 0
UINT(1) nray -7777 <= 1 0
INT(1) nray -7777 <= 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray um -7777 <= 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray % -7777 <= 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray 1/km 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray /km 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray dbz -100 to 100 -7777 1 0
INT(4) nbin,nray -7777 1 0
Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
INT(2) nray meters -9999 to 8850 9999 == 1 0
INT(2) nbin,nray m -5000 to 30000 -9999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray degrees -90 to 90 1 0
REAL(4) nray degrees -180 to 180 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> degrees -90 to 90 1 0
REAL(4) nray seconds 0 to 6000 1 0
REAL(4) nray km 600 to 800 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> degrees -90 to 90 1 0
REAL(8) <scalar> seconds 0 to 6e+008 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray K -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> seconds 0 to 86400 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> m to -9999 == 1 0

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