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See more of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer by logging into Facebook
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I was proud to join my Democratic colleagues in Chicago this morning for a #NationalDayofAction rally to demand a vote on legislation to address gun violence. Following our 26 hour sit-in on the House Floor, House Democrats will continue to call for a vote on commonsense bills to prevent those on the terror watch list from buying guns and to expand background checks. #DisarmHate
Have you already signed up for quality, affordable health care coverage? Head over to to #GetCovered. The deadline to sign up for coverage beginning on January 1 is December 15, and the final deadline to sign up for coverage is January 31.
VIDEO: Today I spoke on the House Floor in opposition to a permanent, unpaid-for tax extenders package. This package will raise deficits by approximately $622 billion over the next ten years, undercut investments in priorities that grow jobs and opportunity, and undermine our ability to achieve comprehensive tax reform. Instead, we should vote on a straight-forward, two-year extension and then commit ourselves to a meaningful tax reform.
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Last night, I joined a forum with community leaders and elected officials to discuss how Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering a replacement will have a harmful impact on millions of Marylanders.

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Americans are speaking out: sharing stories of how the ACA has helped them and urging Republicans to abandon their efforts to take away health care from millions of Americans:

Last week, Congressional Republicans took the first step toward repealing the Affordable Care Act, yet they still haven’t shown the American people their replacement.

Today’s report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office underscores why so many Americans from across the political spectrum are outraged by Republican plans to move forward with a repeal of the Affordable Care Act without a workable replacement. The report finds that monthly premiums for Americans in the individual market would increase by at least 20% in the first year and double by 2026 – and that 32 million Americans would lose their insurance coverage by 2026, including 18 million in the first year of repeal alone.

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I was honored to join constituents throughout the Fifth District today to celebrate the enduring legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As we honor Dr. King, let us rededicate ourselves to the important work he and so many of our civil rights leaders, such as my dear friend Rep. John Lewis, championed for our nation. Let us continue the work of Dr. King to ensure all Americans have a voice in our democracy.

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This year, as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we reflect on his legacy and his commitment to nonviolence in the ceaseless pursuit of justice and opportunity for all. May Dr. King’s memory serve as a blessing and inspiration to us all to live our lives as instruments of the progress and change we need in our time, so that we can leave our children and grandchildren a more perfect union on which to build in their own.

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This afternoon, I sent a letter to Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, urging him and his colleagues in the Republican leadership to ensure that any legislative efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act take place within regular order and in a fully transparent process, complete with public committee hearings, markups, and CBO scoring. Read the letter here:

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Instead of launching a partisan retaliatory attack against our government’s nonpartisan ethics watchdog, Republicans in Congress ought to be insisting that the President-Elect abide by the highest standards of ethics and take steps to prevent conflicts of interest from casting a dark cloud over his presidency.

Instead of launching a partisan retaliatory attack against our government’s nonpartisan ethics watchdog, Republicans in Congress ought to be insisting that the President-Elect abide by the highest standards of ethics and take steps to prevent conflicts of interest from casting a dark cloud over his…

WATCH: Today, I joined MSNBC ahead of House Republicans’ vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering a replacement. After voting to repeal the ACA 65 times, Republicans still don’t have an alternative. Their effort to repeal the law without a replacement will affect 30 million Americans who will lose coverage and millions more who will see costs increase.

Earlier today, I spoke on the House Floor about the severe impact repealing the Affordable Care Act without offering a replacement would have on millions of Americans with disabilities. Watch my remarks here:

Today on the Floor: the House of Representatives will vote to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act without offering a replacement.

H.Res. 48 – Rule Providing for Consideration of both S.Con.Res. 3 – “Fiscal Year 2017 Republican Budget Resolution” (Sen. Enzi – Budget) and S. 84 – To provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a r...

New data released today from the Treasury Department and Department of Health and Human Services makes it clear that the Affordable Care Act is helping encourage entrepreneurship and making it easier for people to start small businesses and create jobs in our communities.

The data released today makes it clear that the Affordable Care Act is helping encourage entrepreneurship and making it easier for people to start small businesses and create jobs in our communities.

Ahead of House Republicans’ vote to begin the process to repeal the Affordable Care Act tomorrow, here’s a look at Republican hypocrisy on the ACA over the last six years:

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For the 150 million Americans who have employer-based insurance coverage, repealing the Affordable Care Act without a replacement will increase health care costs by ending requirements that insurance companies provide preventive care services, wellness visits, contraception, and vaccines without copays.

This week, House Republicans are moving forward with their efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering a replacement.

Today on the Floor: the House of Representatives will consider legislation which undermines investor protections provided through the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act.

H.R. 238 – Commodity End-User Relief Act (Rep. Conaway – Agriculture) (One Hour of Debate). This bill would reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) through 2021 and make several significant changes to the way the CFTC operates as a commission and regulates derivatives and swaps u...

Today, I spoke on the House Floor in opposition to Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering a replacement. Watch to learn why every American will be adversely affected by the repeal of the #ACA:

I am pleased that the Obama Administration has taken this first step to investigate Colombia’s failure to comply with the labor provisions of the Colombia Free Trade Agreement and support the Department of Labor’s call for follow-on action.

I am pleased that the Obama Administration has taken this first step to investigate Colombia’s failure to comply with the labor provisions of the Colombia Free Trade Agreement and support the Department of Labor’s call for follow-on action.
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland is a strong advocate of Democrats’ policies to strengthen America’s middle class, its economy, and its national security.