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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability


A housing forum and listings for housing in and around Los Alamos.


LANL postdoc program housing

The Lab's postdoc program has a postdoc housing listing. If you are interested in posting a housing opportunity, send an email with the pertinent information to

Housing listings will be posted for 1 month. If you wish for the listing to remain on the web site longer, please contact the Postdoc Program Office by email.

Local, regional housing

About half of the Lab's employees rent or own homes in Los Alamos and nearby White Rock, with a commute ranging from 5 to 20 minutes. Others commute from the Espanola Valley and other northern New Mexico areas, Santa Fe (a scenic 45 minute drive from Los Alamos), or Rio Rancho and Albuquerque (about 1 hour and 45 minutes).

To begin a housing search, use Virtual Los Alamos site or the Los Alamos Association of Realtors, as well as numerous realtors in Santa Fe, Espanola, and Albuquerque.

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