Marine Mammal Authorization Program (MMAP)

The Marine Mammal Authorization Program (MMAP) allows commercial fisheries 
to lawfully and incidentally take a marine mammal. The primary goals of the Marine Mammal Authorization Program are to: 1.) exempt commercial fishermen from Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibitions for incidental take of marine mammals, 2.) educate and inform fishermen about marine mammal interactions; and 3.) increase fishermen self-reporting of incidental takes. 

Those affected by the MMAP are required to:

  • carry a Marine Mammal Authorization Certificate as proof of registration;
  • report any serious injury or death of a marine mammal within 48 hours;
  • carry a fisheries observer when requested by NOAA Fisheries.

Contact Us

Marine Mammal Authorization Program Hotline
Phone: (727) 209-5952

  • MMAP questions
  • Authorization Certificate
  • Marine Mammals Serious Injury or Mortality Reporting Form

Commercial fishermen in Category I or II fisheries on the List of Fisheries are automatically registered and required by law to carry a Marine Mammal Authorization Certificate when fishing.

Download Authorization Certificates or contact the MMAP hotline (727-209-5952) to have one mailed to you. Certificates are available December of each year and must be onboard by January 1 of each calendar year.

Fishermen on the List of Fisheries must report any serious injury or death of a marine mammal that occurs during fishing operations.  Mortality/ Injury Reporting Form must be filed (either online or using a printed form) within 48 hours of returning to port.

Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, all Category I or II fishery participants must carry an observer on fishing trips when requested by NOAA Fisheries or a designated contractor. 

Learn more about the MMAP and how it affects you.  Still can’t find the answer? Call the MMAP Hotline: 727-209-5952

Take Reduction Plans are developed to prevent the depletion and assist in the recovery of certain marine mammal stocks that are seriously injured or killed in commercial fisheries.