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Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports (SARs) by Species/Stock

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Reports by Species/Stock

To view a stock assessment report, click on the year you wish to view for each stock. Final 2015 regional reports are now available. Note: Individual reports are only posted when they are revised from a previous year. All documents are in PDF format.

The reports are grouped as follows:

Cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins)

Large Whales
  1. Blue Whale
  2. Bowhead Whale
  3. Bryde's Whale
  4. Fin Whale
  5. Gray Whale    
  6. Humpback Whale
  7. Minke Whale
  8. Right Whale, North Pacific (formerly "Northern Right Whale")
  9. Right Whale, North Atlantic (formerly "Northern Right Whale")
  10. Sei Whale
  11. Sperm Whale

    Small Cetaceans


  12. Bottlenose Dolphin
    Stocks that have been re-delineated are noted in gray italics.

    Pacific - Bottlenose Dolphin

    Atlantic - Bottlenose Dolphin
    Stocks that have been re-delineated are noted in gray italics.

    Gulf of Mexico - Bottlenose Dolphin
    Stocks that have been re-delineated are noted in gray italics.

    • Northern Gulf of Mexico Bay, Sound, and Estuary Stocks: 2015  2014  2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2005   1999   1995
      Note: NMFS is in the process of writing individual stock assessment reports for each of the 32 bay, sound, and estuary stocks. Until this effort is completed, some of the information presented in the individual reports will also be included in the Bay, Sound, and Estuarine report.
    • Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf (formerly Outer Continental Shelf): 2015   2014   2012   2009   2008   2007   2005   2003   1995
    • Gulf of Mexico Eastern Coastal (formerly part of Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Stocks (2005-2009) and Eastern Gulf of Mexico Coastal (1995-1997)): 2015   2014   2012   2010
    • Gulf of Mexico Northern Coastal (formerly part of Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Stocks (2005-2009) and Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal (1995-1997)): 2015   2014  2012   2010
    • Gulf of Mexico Western Coastal (formerly part of Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Stocks (2005-2009) and Western Gulf of Mexico Coastal (1995-1997)): 2015   2014   2012   2010
    • Northern Gulf of Mexico Oceanic (formerly Continental Shelf Edge and Continental Slope):2014   2012   2011   2009   2008   2007   2005   2003   1995
    • Eastern Gulf of Mexico Coastal: 1997  1995
    • Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal: 1997  1995
    • Western Gulf of Mexico Coastal: 1997  1995
    • Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Stocks: 2009  2008  2007  2005

  13. Clymene Dolphin
  14. Common Dolphin
  15. Common Dolphin, Long-Beaked
  16. Common Dolphin, Short-Beaked
  17. Fraser's Dolphin
  18. Northern Right Whale Dolphin
  19. Risso's Dolphin
  20. Rough-Toothed Dolphin
  21. Spinner Dolphin
  22. Spotted Dolphin, Atlantic
  23. Spotted Dolphin, Pantropical
  24. Striped Dolphin
  25. White-Beaked Dolphin
  26. White-Sided Dolphin, Atlantic
  27. White-Sided Dolphin, Pacific
    * corrected report



  1. Dall's Porpoise
  2. Harbor Porpoise
    Stocks that have been re-delineated are noted in gray italics.

    Small Whales

  3. Beaked Whale, Baird's
  4. Beaked Whale, Blainville's
  5. Beaked Whale, Cuvier's
  6. Beaked Whale, Gervais'
  7. Beaked Whale, Longman's
  8. Beaked Whale, Mesoplodont
  9. Beaked Whale, Sowerby's
  10. Beaked Whale, Stejneger's
  11. Beaked Whale, True's
  12. Beluga Whale
  13. Dwarf Sperm Whale
  14. False Killer Whale
  15. Killer Whale
  16.  Melon-Headed Whale
  17.  Narwhal

  18. Northern Bottlenose Whale
  19. Pilot Whale, Long-Finned
  20.  Pilot Whale, Short-Finned

  21.  Pygmy Killer Whale

  22.  Pygmy Sperm Whale

Pinnipeds (Seals and Sea Lions)

Phocids (earless seals or true seals)
  1. Bearded Seal
  1. Gray Seal
  1. Harbor Seal
  1. Harp Seal
  1. Hawaiian Monk Seal
  1. Hooded Seal
  1. Northern Elephant Seal
  1. Ribbon Seal
  1. Ringed Seal
  1. Spotted Seal

    Otariids (eared seals or fur seals and sea lions)

  1. Guadalupe Fur Seal
  1. Northern Fur Seal
  1. California Sea Lion
  1. Steller Sea Lion

Marine Mammals Under the Jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

        1. West Indian Manatee

        2. Polar Bear

       3. Sea Otter, Southern

        4. Sea Otter, Northern

        5. Pacific Walrus

Updated: June 17, 2016