Burros at 2016 Sinbad Gather.  Photo by Victor Warr

Sinbad HMA

The dominant colors of the horses within the herd area are black, buckskin, grulla, and bay in that order.  The dominant colors of the burros within the herd area are black and gray. The horses on the HMA are average in size ranging from 700 to 1000 pounds. The BLM management goal is to manage the horse herd at near 50 head and the burros at near 75 head. In order to achieve this goal, some of the horses and burros must be rounded up every 2 to 5 years. Excess animals are then offered for adoption through the BLM’s wild horse and burro adoption program.

Location: The Sinbad HMA is  is located 30 miles west of Green River, UT. It extends up to 19 miles on both sides of I-70 from the San Rafael Reef to Eagle Canyon. Horses can be found south of I-70 from exit 131 to the Hidden Splendor Mine. Burros are seen along I-70 from the San Rafael Reef to the Dutchman Arch.

Size: 285,518 acres

Topography/Vegetation: The vegetation on the HMA is dominated by pinyon-juniper/sagebrush/shadscale/bunchgrass communities.


AML:  0

Viewing Opportunities:  For viewing wild horses take I-70, 29 miles west of Green River to ranch exit 131. Travel south on the graveled road following BLM signs to the Reds Canyon/ McKay Flat junction. Turn south for 4 miles to McKay Flat. Watch for horses along the way.  For burro viewing, head northeast for approximately 4 miles on a graveled road from I-70 exit 131 to the BLM Sagebrush Flat sign. Continue east ½ mile to a narrow freeway underpass. Go through the underpass and continue east on any of the several dirt roads. Burros may be seen from any one of the roads in this area. Also, watch along I-70 from the Spotted Wolf rest stop (exit 143) 17 miles west of Green River to exit 131. Burros are commonly spotted from the freeway.