Workers planting in the field, surrounded by trees.

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Restore Native Plant Communities

The ultimate goal of the process is to restore native plant communities that provide ecosystem services and wildlife habitat. Restoration results benefit from incorporating genetic considerations, including using the research to choose the best seed source and seed mix to maximize plant establishment and sustainability in a changing climate.

Partner Project

Great Basin Sagebrush Project is part of the Sustainability in Prisons Project. It is an environmental partnership between the Institute for Applied Ecology, Department of Corrections, and the Bureau of Land Management to provide unique and meaningful ecological activities to incarcerated men and women with the goal of restoring sagebrush habitat for the greater sage-grouse in the great basin region through a six state grow out initiative.

For 2016, we are coordinating with seven states in the great basin region to grow over 390,000 sagebrush and other sage steppe plants important to the region.

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