Regional Action Plans (RAPs)

NOAA Fisheries and its partners have developed Regional Action Plans (RAPs) to guide implementation of the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy in each region (Northeast, Southeast, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, Western, Pacific Islands).

The RAPs were developed by NOAA Fisheries Science Centers and Regional Offices with input from internal and external sources.

The goal is to provide decision makers with the information they need to reduce impacts and increase resilience of valuable marine resources and the people who depend on them.

The RAPs identify priority needs and specific actions NOAA Fisheries and partners will take over the next five years to implement the seven objectives of the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy.

Building on existing efforts, the RAPs help address the growing demand for information and tools to prepare for and respond to climate impacts on marine and coastal resources, and the many people and communities that depend on them. 

For more information on the RAPs use the links below or please Contact us (301-427-8134).


A Message regarding the Regional Action Plans from Richard Merrick, Chief Scientist for NOAA Fisheries










