Helping America’s Lakes and Waterways

Americans love the lakes, rivers and waterways operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These special places rely on the help of many organizations and individuals to create a positive visitor experience. The Corps Foundation is the only nationwide nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to supporting our nation's lakes, rivers and their many resources.

People join the Foundation to express their deep appreciation for these water resources. In the company of likeminded people, many support Corps Lakes financially and as volunteers to help maintain the quality experiences we all love and cherish.


Wildlife and Fisheries Habitat

The Corps manages 12 million acres of some of the best wildlife and fisheries habitat in the nation. These lands are managed to preserve and restore the habitats for plants, fish and wildlife. The Corps Foundation partners with a wide range of organizations to undertake environmental projects which help to reestablish and protect healthy ecosystems surrounding Corps operated lakes and along the nation's rivers.

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Marina in lake

Recreation Improvements

Today, one out of every ten Americans visits a Corps lake to participate in water based activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and boating. It's a big job to manage the millions of acres of land and water and to meet the recreation demands of millions of visitors. The Corps Foundation works in partnership with many organizations to help maintain and improve the parks and recreational facilities surrounding these lakes.

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Rangers educating on water quality testing

Resource Education

Visitors to Corps lakes are offered a host of ways to learn about the nature and culture of the area, with educational programs on topics like water recreation safety, fish and wildlife species, and cultural and historical resources. The Corps Foundation assists by partnering with a wide range of organizations including local Friends groups, private individuals and businesses to support educational activities which enhance the visitor's experience.

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In a time of decreasing federal funding America's lakes and waterways are at risk of reduced access, eliminated programs, even closures. With your financial support we can help maintain and improve programs and facilities and keep these treasured resources vibrant.


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Your tax-deductible gift will support our work with the Corps lakes and parks around the country.

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And thanks to the Corps there are countless places to enjoy it!

Map of Corps water resources

The Corps is the leading federal provider of outdoor recreation, with nearly 370 million visitors annually, and managing 12 million acres of land and water located in 43 states.

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US Army Corps of Engineers - Corps Lakes Gateway

Corps Lakes Gateway

Find out more about what is going on where at Corps Lakes around the country.

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