Bycatch Science and Management

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NOAA Fisheries is strongly committed to reducing bycatch in U.S. fisheries.  We actively monitor bycatch levels in U.S. fisheries through fisheries observers and electronic technologies. We also work directly with fishermen to develop selective fishing gears and practices to minimize bycatch.

NOAA Fisheries implements regulations with regional fishery management councils as well as other stakeholders to minimize bycatch and reduce protected species interactions with fishing gear. NOAA Fisheries also carries out observer programs in each of its regions. 

This website will highlight NOAA Fisheries' bycatch estimation and data products, and how these estimation and data products affect stock assessment and management efforts.

Photos courtesy of Robert Hannah, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; Carwyn Hammond, NOAA Fisheries; and Mark Lomelli, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.