The IEA site is currently undergoing an upgrade. We are working on re-launching to improve the overall user experience. We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please check out our updated California Current pages and our Regional Work Plans

Welcome to NOAA’s Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Program

NOAA's IEA program supports Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM), a new era of ocean stewardship,
by providing a next generation tool and helping transfer scientific knowledge to management. The program
is currently being implemented in 5 regions across the United States.


  • The Alaska Complex LME is made up of 5 distinct ecosystems: the Aleutian Islands, the Eastern Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, the Beaufort Sea, and the Chukchi Sea. Read More....

  • The California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) is a dynamic, diverse environment in the eastern North Pacific Ocean Read More....

  • The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is a semi‐enclosed coastal sea with a vast array of topography and moderately high productivity that supports biological diversity 
    Read More....

  • The Northeast Shelf system is marked with a temperate climate and high
    productivity influenced by tidal flux, gyre circulation, cold southward flowing currents and warm-core eddies that spin off the Gulf Stream Read More....

  • The Kona coast of the island of Hawaii is a dynamic ecological region home to a diverse group of species including ornamental fish, lush coral reefs, sea turtles, cetaceans and manta rays Read More....


A New Era of Ocean Stewardship

Humans have long enjoyed a broad spectrum of
benefits from the sea. Providing sources of
seafood, opportunities for recreation, and
avenues for transportation and commerce are
just a few of the many ways we depend on our
Humans have long enjoyed a broad spectrum of benefits from the sea. A worldwide movement has emerged that places Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) at the center of our approach to safeguard marine ecosystems. NOAA's Integrated Ecosystem 
Assessment Program ushers in this new era of ocean stewardship by providing analytical tools to implement EBM. Read More...

IEAs: A Next 
Generation Tool

IEAs are intended to provide a structure to assess ecosystem status relative to objectives, account for the holistic impact of management decisions, and guide management evaluations. Read More...

Transferring Scientific
Knowledge to Management

-Ecosystem Function and Response to change
-Ecosystem Status, Trends and Pressures
-Management and Future Ecosystem Conditions
 Read More...