
Montezuma Peak HMA

All wild horses and burros were removed from this HMA in 1996. The 2-4 horses and 6-10 burros currently using this HMA were either missed during the 1996 emergency gather or have migrated to this HMA from the adjacent Paymaster/Lone Mountain HMA. 

Location: The Montezuma Peak Herd Management Area (HMA) is located west of the town of Goldfield, Nevada, in Esmeralda County. 

Size: The area consists of 76,437 acres of BLM land and 1,439 acres of a mix of private and other public lands for a total of 77,876 acres.

Topography/Vegetation: The Montezuma Peak Herd Management Area (HMA) encompasses an area 9 miles wide and 21 miles long. The climate is relatively dry, receiving only 3 inches of precipitation in the valley bottoms and 12 inches on the mountain tops. Elevations range from 8,096 in the mountains to 5,600 feet in the valley floors. This HMA is in the transition zone between the Great Basin (cold desert) and the Mojave Desert (hot desert). At higher elevations, reaching 8,096 feet in the Montezuma Mountains, vegetation communities consist of pinyon-juniper woodlands, mountain-mahogany, and low sage. The lower elevations of 5,600 feet in the valley, consist of fourwing saltbush, Greene rabbitbrush, greasewood, sagebrush, and spiny menodora. A few Joshua trees are scattered throughout the area. 

AML:  2-4 Horses and 6-10 Burros