Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Waste Remediation Facility Mapper

DEQ's Waste Management and Remediation Division oversees various sites and facilities that generate or manage wastes or have released wastes into the environment and require remediation. The division categorizes sites into various regulatory programs, which include the following:

  • Leaking underground storage tank (LUST)
  • Underground storage tank (UST)
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
  • Brownfields Program (BF)
  • Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP)
  • National Priority List (NPL)
  • Installation Restoration Program (IRP)
  • Formerly used defense sites (FUDS)
  • Mine sites (preliminary assessment, cyanidation permitting, phosphate mines, remedial action, and general/new mining)
  • Industrial Preliminary Assessment
  • Solid waste (SW)
  • General remediation (GR)

The Facility Mapper, developed in partnership with Terradex, Inc., serves the general public, local governments, environmental consultants, and others interested in finding the location and additional details regarding remediation sites and facilities managed by regulatory programs within the Waste Management and Remediation Division. In addition, the Facility Mapper provides information on which remediation sites across the state have had activity and use limitations (AUL) implemented on their property in the form of environmental covenants.

Facility Mapper - 2013

The Facility Mapper displays remediation sites and facilities in a web-accessible map view and allows keyword searching and pan and zoom navigation to find sites of interest. Once a site is selected, the Facility Mapper Feature Information tab will list of programs implemented at the site, as well as basic program identification and contact information. For sites with Underground Storage Tank (UST) facilities, clicking the Underground Storage Tank hyperlink in the Feature Information tab will take the map user directly to the UST-LUST Database where detailed information for that facility is available. The tab also provides direct access to the site's environmental covenant documents.

Advanced Search and Radius Search functions are accessible through links located to the right of the Location and Filter search tools in the map view. Advanced Search allows in-depth searches of all facilities and the ability to create and download customized lists that can be imported to a spreadsheet application. The Radius Search allows the user to select, create, and download lists of facilities located within a specific radius distance from a user-identified address.

The Facility Mapper, through a drop-down menu located in the upper right hand area of the map, can sort and show only sites associated with individual programs. If more information on a particular site is needed, a link to DEQ's public records request submittal form is provided.

Detailed instructions for various Facility Mapper search functions and answers to frequently asked questions are available by clicking the Help and FAQ tabs in the top right portion of the map page.

Approximately 8,700 remediation sites and facilities have been identified. An attempt was made to map all of the sites and facilities in the Facility Mapper. However, DEQ records do not provide accurate location information for some sites, so approximately 600 sites (less than 8 percent of all sites) have not been mapped. Unmapped sites can be identified and their feature information viewed through the Advanced Search tool. As more accurate location information is obtained, the sites will become viewable on the map.

The Facility Mapper is provided for informational purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, DEQ makes no guarantees or warranty of the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the information provided. The data provided in the Facility Mapper is updated approximately twice a month.

Staff Contacts

Voluntary Cleanup Program Manager
Derek Young
DEQ State Office
Waste Management & Remediation Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0525

Related Pages

Waste Management and Remediation

Waste Remediation Activities

Environmental Covenant