The 97,880-acre Eagletail Mountains Wilderness is about 65 miles west of Phoenix, Arizona, in Maricopa, Yuma, and LaPaz counties.
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Arizona Planning and NEPA

BLM Arizona Planning Areas Map

The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM's) Land Use Plans, called Resource Management Plans (RMPs), evaluate and guide the management of resources and uses on public lands over a fifteen to twenty year period. Using the principles of multiple use and sustained yield, BLM Arizona seeks to maximize resource values on public land for current and future generations, ensuring the health, diversity, and productivity of the public land. 

BLM Arizona manages approximately 12.2 million surface acres of public land, and realizes that public involvement is critical in the development and implementation of its RMPs. Throughout the planning process, the BLM uses a collaborative approach involving tribal, State and local governments, other federal agencies, and interested publics in addressing management goals for public land. When RMPs are ready for review and public comment, BLM Arizona makes copies available to field offices and on the Internet. New and revised RMPs are now being developed in the ePlanning database. We encourage you to get involved in the planning process to help determine how the public lands will be managed. Involvement by everyone, who is interested in the public lands, will help ensure that the best overall plan is developed. 

Under Federal law, BLM Arizona prepares land-use plans that serve as the basis for all activities occurring on BLM-managed lands. 

Planning 2.0

As part of our continuing commitment to improve our management of the nation’s public lands, the Bureau of Land Management is reviewing the way we develop and update our Resource Management Plans (RMPs). 

This initiative, known as Planning 2.0, aims to increase public involvement and incorporate the most current data and technology into our land use planning.  We have released proposed revisions to our planning regulations, along with a preliminary economic analysis and categorical exclusion for public review and comment.  By implementing these improvements, the BLM endeavors to enhance the way that it involves the public in its planning efforts, including measures to provide earlier, easier, and more meaningful participation.      

In a related effort, the BLM is revising its land use planning handbook that provides detailed guidance on implementing the planning processes.  The agency anticipates releasing a draft of the handbook for review later in 2016.

Together, these regulatory and handbook revisions apply lessons learned from decades of implementing best practices in resource management planning and enable the agency to effectively address emerging large-scale issues such as proliferating wildfire, rapidly expanding renewable energy demand, and conserving important wildlife habitat.  The proposed changes support the BLM’s shift to science-based, landscape-scale approaches to resource management while increasing opportunities for early engagement by state and local government, Tribes, partner agencies, stakeholders, and the public.  The changes also give the BLM the opportunity to establish a stronger geospatial foundation to its decision-making, allowing it to gather and share more accurate data with the public.


ePlanning brings the Land Use Planning (LUP) as well as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to you. With an Internet-connected computer, you can open and read land use planning and NEPA documents produced with ePlanning. You can search for issues such as recreation, wildlife, or energy. During the comment periods, you can easily submit your comments online! With ePlanning's comment features, you can tie your comment to particular text right out of the land use planning or NEPA document. It has never been easier to communicate your recommendations and preferences to public land managers.

Explore the ePlanning Land Use Plan Register

Explore the ePlanning NEPA Document Register

Arizona Planning and NEPA References

Plans and NEPA Documents in Development

BLM encourages the public to get involved in the planning process to help determine how public lands will be managed.  Involvement by everyone with an interest in public lands will help ensure the best possible plan is developed and future uses of public lands are well defined.  You may participate in any of the on-going planning efforts listed in the Arizona NEPA Project Listing.  If you have questions or would like to submit comments on a particular project,  or if you wish to be on a plan mailing list, contact the appropriate BLM Office listed in the NEPA Project Listing.

Beginning in Fiscal Year 2013, Arizona NEPA registers and documents have been integrated into the Bureau's National ePlanning database.

Plans and NEPA Documents in Development

Plans in Effect


Periodically, RMPs are updated as new information becomes available. By continuously monitoring the plans and their effects, BLM Arizona can amend RMPs, and take action toward ensuring land management goals are achieved and plans continue to stay valid. 

District Plans

Content-specific Plans 

  • Travel Management Plans


State-wide Plans

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Frequently Requested NEPA Documents

Intro sentence here about frequently requested NEPA documents in Arizona, with a link to all NEPA docs in e-planning.

State-wide NEPA Documents

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District NEPA Documents

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Content-specific NEPA Documents

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