Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

Community Connections

Monthly news and opportunities for the Laboratory's neighbors and friends, with a primary focus on economic development, education and community giving.

All Issues


November 2020

Helping small businesses thrive; students at Picuris Pueblo take part in online science festival; fallen trees become firewood for local pueblos; breakthrough quantum-dot transistors create alternative to conventional electronics; more...


October 2020

Laboratory grants help students and teachers succeed in online learning; creative hiring and training programs provide job opportunities for New Mexicans; Lab carpenters help out at local senior center; Los Alamos projects win R&D 100 Awards; more...


September 2020

New grant funds best practices in teacher training; National labs bridge R&D gap for New Mexico businesses; Melding astrophysics and support for students; more...


August 2020

Partner program with local college creates a path to careers; Nonprofit brings internet connectivity to the region; Nonprofit pivots to online events and camps; more...


July 2020

Summer Physics Camp for young women; Laboratory hosts online community event for nonprofit leaders; Training young people to help organizations; Low-cost quantum dot windows could power a solar future; more...


June 2020

New course prepares Taos High School students for building-trades jobs; Triad donates $10,000 to the Pueblo Relief Fund; NM small businesses make critical supplies for Lab employees; new website supports genetic understanding of COVID-19; more...


May 2020

Lab and Santa Fe Community College announce new program for machinists; Lab supports STEAM Hub of New Mexico; Lab employees donate more than $50,000 to Santa Fe’s Food Depot; HIV vaccine-research team shifts to SARS-CoV-2; more...


April 2020

The Lab’s response to COVID-19; More than 100 LANL Scholars receive $741,100 in scholarships; New program helps NM small businesses bring technology to market; RoboRave and Science Showdown make science hands-on for NNM students…


March 2020

Laboratory wins national award for sustainable purchasing; Lab volunteers donate enough blood to save 93 lives; How the Laboratory trains IAEA officials…


February 2020

Program offers teacher development and enhanced learning opportunities for students; Laboratory spent $396 million with New Mexico business in 2019; Rio Arriba nonprofit offers individualized tutoring…


December 2019

Lab employees provide 900 gifts for community members in need; RDC and Laboratory host summit on growing regional economy; new routing algorithm anticipates the day trucks and drones cooperate to drop packages at your doorstep...


November 2019

Pojoaque Valley Middle School hosts math festival;Lab donates 160 cords of wood to pueblos; Lab researchers work to predict spread of diseases; Labduo play with famous New Mexican acts...


October 2019

$950K grants benefit students, teachers and communities, RDC helps family farm expand; Volunteers prepare homes for rescued wildlife; Seismic sleuthing in southern California; Culture captured in art...


September 2019

Small businesses across Northern New Mexico will benefit this year from an injection of capital through loans and a tribal diversity fund under a $500,000 grant from Los Alamos National Laboratory operator Triad National Security, LLC to the Regional Development Corporation (RDC)...


August 2019

Governor’s STEM Challenge; Laboratory hosts community event for nonprofits; Identification for satellites solves growing space-traffic problems; Myles Cartelli modifies off-road vehicles for extreme rock crawling; Lab supports summer STEM programs at San Ildefonso Pueblo;...

Connections Newsletter July 2019

July 2019

Innovative summer camp aims to change math mindset; teens get introduction to entrepreneurship in Española; All-woman team commands rock-zapping laser on Mars;...

Connections Newsletter June 2019

June 2019

Española company wins $52 million subcontract with Lab; 116 Northern New Mexico students receive $773,500 from Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund; Española students learn while having fun; Scientists create first billion-atom biomolecular simulation; Lab employee Katya Davydenko focuses on working dogs...

Connections Newsletter May 2019

May 2019

Two New Mexico small businesses win national awards; Lab employees volunteer on nonprofit projects; Governor designates October 30 “Rudolfo Anaya I Love to Read Day”;How fire influences moisture in burned soil; Lab employee Bill Priedhorsky enjoys exploring the outdoors,...

Connections Newsletter April 2019

April 2019

Lab, Northern New Mexico College launch radiation protection course to fill high-demand jobs; Food drive helps those in need; School Board thanks Laboratory for donated equipment; Self-sustaining energy for remote locations...

Connections Newsletter December 2018

March 2019

Lab reports on its environmental performance; video-based technology detects damage to bridges, vehicles, aircraft; Lab employee Jocelyn Buckley conquered her fear of flying; RoboRave makes science hands-on for NNM students...

Connections Newsletter December 2018

February 2019

Lab volunteer supports STEM education effort; Nonprofit works to build self-reliance across NNM; New work at Lab to create improved polymer fuel cells; New exhibit at museum...

Connections Newsletter December 2018

December 2018

Business brewing in Taos;Bradbury Science Museum offers informal ways to learn about Lab; Searching for life on Europa; Math Teacher Leader session, Electric Car Challenge, LAESF scholarship more...

Connections Newsletter October 2018

October 2018

New contractor takes over Nov. 1 at Lab; tribal businesses receive Native American VAF awards; investments boost revenue, create jobs; Lab team travels world dealing with radioactive material no longer in use; rehabilitating wild animals; more...

Connections Newsletter September 2018

September 2018

Innovative early learning center opens in Santa Fe, planting seeds with historically black colleges and universities, construction firm graduates from Lab mentoring program, Back to School Drive, scholarships, NM Small Business Program, more...

Connections Newsletter August 2018

August 2018

Lab volunteers support STEM programs, DisrupTech connects researchers with businesses, novel long range wireless sensor network monitors remote areas, Spotlight: Hard riding and straight shooting, more...

Connections Newsletter July 2018

July 2018

Back to School Drive helps students; program studies the best way to improve girls’ success in STEM activities; seven Northern New Mexico businesses awarded funds to boost growth; Manhattan Project legend turns 100, more...

Connections Newsletter June 2018

June 2018

Furniture reuse program benefits schools, tribes; projectY hub for entrepreneurs; Lab computers show how viruses invade host cell; Lab employee Sheryl Bailey directing plays, more...

Connections Newsletter May 2018

May 2018

Volunteers support local programs, Lab Sustainability Fair showcases green small businesses, new high-resolution Earth-modeling system announced, more...

Connections Newsletter April 2018

April 2018

Math festival, renovating historic homes, powering NASA's missions on Mars, future of East Jemez mountains, more...

Connections Newsletter March 2018

March 2018

Supporting regional businesses, teaming for robotics, Big Brothers, Big Sisters makes impact, HIV-1 vaccine in human trial now, more...

Connections Newsletter February 2018

February 2018

Nearly $1.9 million grant benefits students, communities; awards spur growth in pueblo businesses; collaborating for most impact by focusing on behavioral health; using quantum dots to reduce the cost of solar power, more...

Connections Newsletter December 2017- January 2018

December 2017-January 2018

Hour of Code introduces students to computer programming; Lab researchers join new entrepreneurial training program; Fighting tuberculosis with better diagnostics; Santa Fe’s Fiesta Queen...