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Region II: Defense Coordinating Officer

This page describes the role of the Defense Coordinating Officer in Region II.

Col. Robert Freehill, Defense Coordinating Officer, with Regional Administrator and Federal Coordinating Officer, Justo HernandezEach FEMA Region has a Defense Coordinating Officer (DCO) who serves as the Federal Emergency Management Agency's single point of contact for Department of Defense (DOD) support.

Each DCO has a Defense Coordinating Element (DCE) consisting of a staff and military liaison officers to facilitate coordination and support to activated Emergency Support Functions (ESFs). Specific responsibilities include:

  • Building synergy and relationships with FEMA staff, State emergency responders, the State Adjutant General and Joint Force Headquarters-State staff

  • Participating in all local, State, Federal, and DOD Homeland Defense and Civil Support exercises

  • Coordinating with military installations regarding Base Support Installation (BSI) operations

  • Conducting National Special Security Event (NSSE) planning and support

Colonel Scott Heintzelman, U.S. Army, is the Defense Coordinating Officer to Region II.

Last Updated: 
09/12/2016 - 18:23