
Press Release

Leader McCarthy on President Obama’s Decision to Commute Chelsea Manning’s Prison Sentence

The decision to pardon Chelsea Manning sends the wrong signal at the worst possible time.


The House Takes First Step to Repeal Obamacare

Republicans didn’t create this problem, but we’re going to fix it.

Press Release

Stop the CA High-Speed Rail Boondoggle Now

This train is a money-pit publicity project that we cannot afford.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy at Hoover: The Swamp is the Bureaucracy

The branches of government are no longer co-equal, and that’s really a threat to the economy, to the Constitution, and to the people.

Press Release

The House’s Reforms Put Restructuring Washington First

When bureaucrats cannot be held accountable regardless of corruption, incompetence, waste, fraud, abuse, or the backroom deals they make with special interests, that’s the swamp.
