Fiscal Year 2011 Program Funding

This page lists the FY 2011 funding amounts authorized and appropriated for the nation's GPS program.

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On April 15, 2011, President Obama signed the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, the last in a series of government-wide funding measures for FY 2011. The spending levels established in this act apply to the entire fiscal year.

The final act fully funded all GPS program items in the defense budget, except the Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX). OCX received $356.867 million, a cut of $25 million compared to the President's request. The cut is specified in the Defense Department "base tables" that accompany the act.

Section 8068 of the act states, "Funds available to the Department of Defense for the Global Positioning System during the current fiscal year, and hereafter, may be used to fund civil requirements associated with the satellite and ground control segments of such system's modernization program." View source

The act reduced funding for FAA Facilities and Equipment by $233.8 million compared to the request. Congress did not specify how to apply the cut to the programs within the account. FAA ended up allocating $38.423 million to civil GPS (vs. $58.5 million request), $84.8 million to WAAS (vs. $95 million request), and $7.771 million to GBAS (vs. $14.5 million request).

Section 1119 of the act imposed a 0.2% rescission (cut) across all non-military programs, on top of any reductions specified in the act. The FAA figures in the previous paragraph take this into account.

Defense Authorization

On January 7, 2011, President Obama signed the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public Law 111-383). The act includes policy and funding guidance for the GPS program. It does not expend funds from the U.S. Treasury.

Section 913 of the act requires any military GPS user equipment purchased after FY 2017 to be capable of receiving the new M Code signal, except in the case of cars or where waived by the Secretary of Defense. View law and committee explanation

Early versions of the act recommended cuts to the High-Integrity Global Positioning System (HIGPS, also known as iGPS) and increases to GPS III to study "mini-GPS" satellites. These recommendations do not appear in the final law.