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S.2873 ECHO Act
S.2974 A bill to ensure funding for the National Human Trafficking Hotline, and for other purposes.
S.3548 A bill to continue the Medicaid emergency psychiatric demonstration project.
S.3521 A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide students with disabilities and their families with access to critical information needed to select the right college and succeed once enrolled.
S.3530 A bill to allow the use of claims, eligibility, and payment data to produce reports, analyses, and presentations to benefit Medicare, and other similar health insurance programs, entities, researchers, and health care providers, to help develop cost saving approaches, standards, and reference materials and to support medical care and improved payment models.
S.3519 A bill to address the psychological, social, and emotional needs of children, youth, and families who have experienced trauma, and for other purposes.
S.9 A bill to provide for the regulation of over-the-counter hearing aids.
S.Res.604 A resolution expressing support for the designation of November 2016 as "National Bladder Health Month".
S.Res.616 A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month.
S.Res.614 A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of American Education Week.
H.R.2713 Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2016
H.R.1192 National Clinical Care Commission Act
H.R.1209 Improving Access to Maternity Care Act
S.1878 Advancing Hope Act of 2016
S.Res.590 A resolution commemorating 100 years of health care services provided by Planned Parenthood.
S.Res.613 A resolution recognizing the 50th anniversary of North Mississippi Rural Legal Services in Oxford, Mississippi.
S.3466 Accelerating New Pharmaceutical Competition Act
S.3462 Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses, Schools, and Nonprofits Act
S.3433 CLEAR Act
S.3455 Pharmaceutical Supply and Value Enhancement Act
S.3429 Small Business Survival from Disaster Act
S.3458 Two-Generation Economic Empowerment Act of 2016
S.3406 Anthony DeJuan Boatwright Act
S.3444 Education Support Professional Family Medical Leave Act
S.3417 Receiving Electronic Statements To Improve Retiree Earnings Act
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