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The Linus Pauling Papers

[Linus Pauling]. 1987.
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Linus Pauling (1901-1994) was an American chemist who won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances." He also won the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize, making him the only person to win two unshared Nobel prizes.

The Oregon State University Libraries is the repository for the Linus Pauling Papers, which range from 1916 to 1986. The collection contains personal and scientific papers, notebooks, correspondence, research models and memorabilia.

As part of its Profiles in Science project, the National Library of Medicine has collaborated with the Oregon State University Libraries to digitize and make available over the World Wide Web a selection of the Linus Pauling Papers for use by educators and researchers. This site provides access to the portions of the Linus Pauling Papers of the Oregon State University Libraries that have been selected for digitization. Individuals interested in conducting research in the Linus Pauling Papers are invited to contact the Oregon State University Libraries.

This online Exhibit is designed to introduce you to the various phases of Pauling's scientific career and professional life. It is divided into sections that focus on Pauling's life and major scientific contributions. We suggest that new visitors begin with this exhibit, which includes a small selection of documents and visuals, organized within these sections. Each section begins with a "Background Narrative," which leads to "Documents" and "Visuals."

Visitors may access additional materials through Search on the navigation bar. They may also view the materials alphabetically or chronologically by choosing Browse on the navigation bar. Documents and visuals in these lists are arranged by format and then either alphabetically by title or chronologically.