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Recipient-Reported Recovery Data Now Available at FPDS-NG Print

Recipient-reported data that was previously provided at is now available under Top Requests. There are two files containing recipient data available:

  1) Recovery Data (Recipient-Reported, Cumulative Summary) -- A cumulative national summary file, containing data from FY2009 thru 2013 (77 MB, only recommended for high-speed internet connections).
  2) Recovery Data (Recipient-Reported, FY2013Q4)-- A file for just the last reported quarter (4th quarter of FY2013).

This information augments the recovery information contained in the FPDS-NG Recovery Report (TAS Report), which provides recovery-related procurement award information as reported by Federal agencies.

For more information on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and recipient-based data please visit


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