International Partner Search

Looking for potential agents, distributors or other strategic partners overseas? We can save you valuable time and money by identifying prospects that match your needs.


You provide your marketing materials and background on your company. We use our strong network of international contacts to interview potential partners and provide you with a list of the companies that are interested and capable of becoming a viable representative for you in that market.
  • Obtain high-quality market information on the marketability and sales potential for your products and services.
  • Receive complete contact information on key contacts at each potential partner interested in your company along with information on their size, sales, years in business, number of employees, and a statement from the each potential partner on the marketability of your product or service.
  • Get all this information in approximately 30 business days or as negotiated with your overseas’ office.

Eligibility and Pricing

You must be an export-ready U.S. company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or that have at least 51% U.S. content to utilize this service. 

The fee for an International Partner Search is $550 for small and medium sized companies and $1,400 for large companies and may vary based on scope of work and market(s) of interest. To learn more about the service and determine if it is right for you, contact one of our Trade Specialists today.

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