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Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

Project Overview

NEPA Process

FEMA is preparing this Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ’s) NEPA implementing regulations in 40 CFR §1500 - 1508 and FEMA’s NEPA procedures in 44 CFR §10.  FEMA has determined that the NEPA analysis for the Proposed Action should be conducted at a programmatic level. 

Development of the NFIP PEIS began with publication of the Notice of Intent in the Federal Register on May 16, 2012 (77 FR 95, pages 28891-28893).  The evaluation process included the NFIP Stakeholder Listening Session with key stakeholders in November 2009.  In addition, FEMA conducted two public meetings in December 2010 and opened a public comment period on four alternatives for NFIP Reform.  Comments received were considered part of the scoping process for this PEIS.

FEMA intends to further the scoping process through three public webinars that will be held in April and May of 2014.  A publication in the Federal Register will publicize these dates and they are listed above in the Announcements section.  Publication of the Draft PEIS will include a public comment period.  In addition, FEMA may conduct Draft PEIS public webinars to obtain comments on the document.  Comments on the Draft PEIS will be incorporated, as appropriate, into the Final PEIS.  Following a 30-day waiting period, FEMA will review the Final PEIS to issue a Record of Decision regarding actions to be taken, including potential mitigation measures.


Scoping is the first phase of the NEPA analysis process and is intended to give interested parties the chance to comment on a proposed action and to offer suggestions about the issues to be considered in the EIS analyses.  Interested government agencies, American Indian tribes, private-sector organizations and the general public are encouraged to participate in the scoping process. 

Future Public Involvement Opportunities

Commenting on the Draft PEIS is the second major phase of public involvement.  The Draft PEIS has not been prepared at this time.  If you would like to receive notification of the Draft PEIS publication, send an email to to be added to the distribution list.  Interested parties are given the chance to submit comments and questions concerning the Draft PEIS and Final PEIS, attend webinars and review PEIS publications and related materials.

How to Comment


The public is invited to comment on the NFIP PEIS project via email at

U.S. Postal Service Mail

All comments submitted via mail should be sent to: 

Regulatory Affairs Legal Division
Office of Chief Counsel
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Room 8NE
500 C Street SW
Washington, DC

For Further Information

To request additional information, please content the NFIP PEIS Project Manager, Beth Norton, via email at

Last Updated: 
05/01/2014 - 17:38