Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Boise Region BAG and WAGs

Southwest Basin Advisory Group (BAG)

Basin Advisory Groups (BAGs) are groups of citizens that advise DEQ's director on water quality objectives within Idaho's six basins.

Watershed Advisory Groups

Watershed Advisory Groups (WAGs) are groups of citizens that provide local public input and guidance on specific watersheds within Idaho's six basins to DEQ when developing a TMDL.

Tenmile Creek-Fifteen Mile Creek WAG Indian Creek WAG Mason Creek WAG Lower Boise River WAG Willow Creek WAG Sand Hollow Creek WAG


Map of BRO WAGs

DEQ Boise Regional Office

1445 N. Orchard St.
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0550
toll-free: (888) 800-3480

Staff Contacts

Watershed Manager
Lance Holloway
(208) 373-0550

Senior Water Quality Analyst
Julia Achabal
(208) 373-0550

Watershed Coordinator
Graham Freeman
(208) 373-0461

Senior Watershed Analyst
Josh Schultz
(208) 373-0550

Watershed Coordinator
Kati Carberry
(208) 373-0550

Water Quality Scientist
Danie Merriman
(208) 373-0589

Related Pages

Basin Advisory Groups

Watershed Advisory Groups