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The Office of Trade Policy & Analysis is led by Deputy Assistant Secretary, Praveen Dixit

What We Do:

The Office of Trade Policy & Analysis (TP&A), an office of Industry & Analysis within the International Trade Administration, provides data, analysis, and recommendations on policy, and trade promotion issues affecting U.S. industry competitiveness in a global setting.

Who We Are:

  • Produces, and evaluates the economic data that underpins the development of economic and trade policy priorities throughout the Federal government. This work also aids the decision-making process for regulatory proceedings, and the antitrust preclearance process for export joint ventures.
  • Develops U.S. strategies, and positions for cross-sectoral trade negotiation chapters (Rules of Origin, Government Procurement). TP&A also monitors, evaluates, and addresses market access compliance barriers, and represents the Department on issues relating to the implementation of U.S. trade laws (Section 337, Section 301).
  • Advances U.S. commercial interests on international intellectual property laws, policies, and practices. Assists U.S. companies in overcoming IP-related trade barriers through treaty negotiations, education, and outreach.
  • Facilitates trade, and investment by addressing cross-cutting sectoral, and emerging standards issues to strengthen the competitiveness of U.S. industry.  The office is the primary point of contact for standards matters within the ITA and for external stakeholders, and also works to expand investment market access opportunities on a sectoral basis.


Last Updated: 8/18/16 10:28 AM

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