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Netherlands' Key Energy Statistics world rank
Total Primary Energy Consumption
Quadrillion Btu
Total Primary Energy Production
Quadrillion Btu
Exports of Dry Natural Gas
Billion Cubic Feet
Total Electricity Imports
Billion Kilowatthours
Primary Coal Imports
Thousand Short Tons
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Analysis - Energy Sector Highlights Last updated: August 2016

  • Although not a significant producer of liquid fuels, the Netherlands plays an important role as a European liquid fuels transportation and processing hub.
  • The Netherlands is the second-largest producer and exporter of natural gas in Europe, following Norway, and the Netherlands is home to Europe's largest natural gas trading hub in terms of spot volumes.
  • The Netherlands is a major petroleum liquids refining and storage center. As of January 1, 2016, the country had just above 1.2 million barrels per day (b/d) of crude oil refining capacity, according to the Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ). At the beginning of 2014, the country had more than 210 million barrels of storage capacity, with the majority (more than 170 million barrels) located in Rotterdam. Additionally, the Port of Amsterdam serves as a major hub for gasoline storage, blending, and transshipment.
  • Petroleum accounted for just under half of Dutch energy consumption in 2015. According to OGJ, the Netherlands is estimated to have 140 million barrels of oil in proved reserves. EIA estimates that the Netherlands consumed about 911,000 b/d of oil in 2015, but domestically produced only 35,000 b/d. The Netherlands imported crude oil primarily from Russia, Norway, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and Kuwait in 2015.
  • The Netherlands produced just over 1.5 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas in 2015. Most of its natural gas fields are located offshore in the North Sea, although a number of them are located onshore, including Groningen, one of the ten largest natural gas fields in the world. According to OGJ, the Netherlands had approximately 26.9 Tcf of proved natural gas reserves as of January 1, 2016.

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