USAID's Investments for Health in Iraq - Dollars to Results

Results of USAID's Health spending

FY 2011 $2.8 M

FY 2012 $10.5 M

FY 2013 $15.5 M

Note: Select a program in the navigation menu to the left or click on a pie slice above to view additional disbursement information.

Iraq’s healthcare system was once considered to be one of the best in the region. However, after decades of dictatorship, conflict, and isolation the healthcare system requires a considerable amount of improvement.

USAID's Health Program in Iraq aims to:

  • Reduce maternal and child mortality rates; and
  • Address public health threats posed by infectious diseases.
USAID provides improvements to the delivery of primary health care services in Iraq through clinics.

USAID provides improvements to the delivery of primary health care services in Iraq through clinics.


View the "Real Lives, Real Progress" infographic (PDF, 1.13MB)

Disclaimer: Dollars to Results links spending in a fiscal year to results reported for that same year. The data may differ from other USAID and U.S. Government websites because they use different timeframes and reporting parameters for information displayed. Please refer to the FAQs for more details. 

Results for Civil Society, Good Governance, Agriculture, and Economic Opportunity subsectors include contributions of other U.S. Government agencies.