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Open-File Report 96-532

National Seismic Hazard Maps: Documentation June 1996

By Arthur Frankel, Charles Mueller, Theodore Barnhard, David Perkins, E.V. Leyendecker, Nancy Dickman, Stanley Hanson, and Margaret Hopper

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New seismic hazard maps have been prepared by the USGS for the conterminous United States. In June, 1996, these maps were placed on the Internet World Wide Web ( The color maps can be viewed on the Web or downloaded to the user's computer for printing.

Interim maps were placed on the Web site in December, 1995 for review and comment. The June 1996 maps are the result of revision in light of these reviews and comments. The June 1996 maps represent the products released for this round of map-making. We expect to revise these maps on a 1 1/2 to 2 year cycle as new fault parameters become available and as our methodology is further refined.

This document describes the procedures used to make the maps, the geologic/seismologic inputs to these maps, and the ground-motion relations used for the maps. Most of this documentation was used previously to describe the interim maps. We have added text which explains the changes made for the June 1996 maps. The maps and hazard curves included in this documentation have been revised from...>>MORE

Ordering information

First posted April 6, 2006

  • On-Line Report HTML
    Complete text, Table 1, Tables A5-A7
    (Tables A1-A4 and all figures may be accessed from the HTML version),
    last modified: 11/12/96 13:05 MDT
  • Microsoft Word (Macintosh) and condensed versions of the documentation may be accessed via ftp, see GENERAL: Anonymous FTP.

Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge.

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