Data & Reports

The CMS Innovation Center maintains an expanding portfolio supporting the development and testing of innovative health care payment and service delivery models. As part of this expansion, the CMS Innovation Center contributes reports and datasets to the community of health care innovators, data researchers and policy analysts among others.

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    A public resource designed to bring together high-value datasets, tools, and applications using data about health and health care to support your need for better knowledge and to help you to solve problems. These datasets and tools have been expand Read more about
  • Collaboration with Academics
    The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMS Innovation Center) conducts research to better understand the effects of new payment models on beneficiary health, healthcare and costs. Numerous researchers from academia share this interest, and expand Read more about Collaboration with Academics
  • CMS Research Reports
    Reports from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services sponsored research available on a broad range of health care issues. Recent documents include: 2nd Report to Congress on the Evaluation of Cancer Prevention and Treatment for Ethnic and expand Read more about CMS Research Reports
  • CMS Data Compendium
    The CMS Office of Information Products and Data Analytics produces an annual CMS Data Compendium to provide key statistics about CMS programs and national health care expenditures. The CMS Data Compendium contains historic, current, and projected expand Read more about CMS Data Compendium