U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Research at NIDDK (Division of Intramural Research)

The Natio​nal Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Intramural R​esearch Program (IRP) conducts biomedical research and training related to diabetes mellitus; endocrine, bone, and metabolic diseases; di​gestive diseases, including liver diseases and nutritional disorders; and kidney, urologic, and h​ematologic diseases. Intramural research is conducted in the Institute's laboratories and clinical facilities in Bethesda, Maryland and in Phoenix, Arizona.
Many of the scientists within the IRP have achieved international recognition as highly productive and innovative researchers. The program continues a tradition of excellence reflected in the several Nobel prizes and other prestigious awards that have resulted from its work. Many scientists trained in the IRP are now prominent faculty members at leading universities throughout the world.

Learn more about our research, staff members, and employment opportunities below.​
C​linical Director
James E. Balow, M.D.
Scientific Director
Michael W. Krause, Ph.D.

Laboratories, Branches & Sections​

  • ​​Laboratories, Branches, and Sections ​- ​Laboratories focus on basic scientific research, while branches focus on clinical and translational research. Laboratories and branches are made up of sections that are devoted to independent research aims.
Core Facilities

Core Facilities

Core facilities provide centralized scientific support services to NIDDK laboratories and branches.

A female researcher conducts an experiment in her lab


Find postdoc positions in NIDDK labs.

Doctor in White Coat

Training & Employment

Opportunities for research training are as diverse as the research conducted within the intramural program.

Group of professionals

Technology Advancement & Transfer

Access to NIDDK materials, data, and inventions. Research and clinical trial collaboration.​


Laboratory and Branch Chiefs

View a detailed list of Laboratory and Branch sections.             