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Interactive Map Tool

NCEI Radar GIS Interactive Map

Radar Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Interactive Map. Click on the map to view this tool.


The Interactive Radar Map Tool shows supplemental data in support of NCEI's Weather Radar Archive. The tool includes several unique features that will allow the user to select data from 1995 to present for individual or multiple stations at varying altitudes.

Historical Reflectivity Mosaics

The map tool utilizes the Reflectivity Mosaics products and web services provided by the Iowa Environmental Mesonet. Reflectivity is available from 1995 to near-real time in five-minute increments. The raw data are not available for download and are only accessible as images on this map or from the Iowa Environmental Mesonet.

Old Version
This version requires the Flash browser plugin.

New Version
This version has similar functionality, an updated design, and is written in Javascript/HTML.

Range and Coverage of Radar Sites

The typical range of most radar products is 230 km from the radar site. However, mountains can block the lower sweeps of the radar beam in certain parts of the country. The Interactive Radar Map Tool provides map layers, which show the maximum distance (230 km), as well as maps derived from geospatial models, which determine areas where the mountains block the beam. The analysis, conducted by NOAA's Radar Operations Center, shows the availability of beam coverage at specified altitudes from the ground. The map tool includes layers at 4,000 (best coverage), 6,000 (better coverage), and 10,000 (fair coverage) feet.

Please contact NOAA's Radar Operations Center for more information on how the coverage products are calculated.

Station Selection

The map tool includes selection tools, which allow users to select individual or multiple sites and begin the ordering process for historical data in NCEI's Radar Data Archive.