DOE-Idaho Operations Summary

DOE-ID Bi-Weekly Summary
For the Period Oct. 23 to Nov. 12, 2012

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a regular summary of operations at DOE's Idaho Site. It has been compiled in response to a request from stakeholders for more information on health, safety and environmental incidents at DOE facilities in Idaho. It also includes a brief summary of accomplishments at the laboratory. The report is broken down by contractor: Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project (AMWTP), Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL). This summary will be sent to everyone on INL's regular news release distribution list every other week. To be added to this distribution list, please call Brad Bugger at (208) 526-0833.

Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project

Oct. 23: A radiological technician working at the Advanced Waste Treatment Facility received radioactive contamination on his skin when he inadvertently contacted a contaminated cell door while helping three other technicians leave a processing cell. The contamination was removed from the worker's skin and all entries at treatment facility cells were suspended pending results of a fact finding. (EM-ID-ITG-AMWTF-2012-0021).

Nov. 3: The foot of an employee working in a waste storage building at the Advanced Waste Treatment Facility was accidentally run over by a forklift. The employee was taken to an off-site medical facility for treatment. (EM-ID-ITG-AMWTF-2012-0022).

Operational Summary

Waste Shipments: Eight of eight planned shipments of contract-handled transuranic waste and two of two planned shipments of remote-handled transuranic waste were made from Idaho to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico for disposal during the week ending Nov. 3, 2012.

Idaho Cleanup Project

Nothing to report.

Operational Summary

Waste Processing: CH2M-Hill (CWI) has begun its readiness assessment to begin startup of the Sludge Repackaging Project operations at WMF-1617. The parallel processing of waste at both the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project and WMF-1617 will help speed up processing and shipping of waste out of Idaho for disposal.

Idaho National Laboratory

Oct. 23: Two technicians working at the Specific Manufacturing Capability Project entered a guarded area to perform equipment maintenance without the proper lockout/tagout applied. Notifications were made and a critique of the incident was held.  (NE-ID-BEA-SMC-2012-0004).

Oct. 24: A review of a lockout/tagout record showed that a required zero energy verification had not been performed prior to inspection of the 30-ton crane at the Advanced Test Reactor. Work was immediately stopped on the 30-ton crane and the required zero energy verification was performed. (NE-ID-BEA-ATR-2012-0026).

Oct. 25: Facility management personnel at the Willow Creek Building discovered a subcontractor performing maintenance on a commercial coffee machine without the installation of a lockout/tagout. The subcontractor had opened an internal circuit breaker to de-energize the coffee machine, but did not lock the breaker. Work was stopped and the coffee-making equipment was put in a safe condition. (NE-ID-BEA-STC-2012-0002).

Oct. 29: An INL power management lineman fell about 8 feet from a bucket truck onto the ground while performing work on the INL Site. The injured lineman was transported to a medical facility for treatment. All power management work was suspended until a critique could be held and corrective actions implemented. (NE-ID-BEA-CFA-2012-0004).

Oct. 31: A subcontractor performing work at the U.S. Department of Energy-managed Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory performed work on an electrical system without following lockout/tagout procedures. There was no contact with hazardous energy, work was stopped and a critique held. (NE-ID-GOID-RESL-2012-0001).

Nov. 8: Personnel discovered that oil had leaked from a shielding window into the main hot cell at the Hot Fuel Examination Facility. This resulted in a violation of criticality control procedures for the facility. All fissile material movements were halted in affected areas of the cell until the situation could be remedied. A critique of the incident was held.  (NE-ID-BEA-HFEF-2012-0005).

Nov. 8: Dosimetry personnel determined that approximately 81 electronic dosimeters were assigned incorrect calibration dates within the electronic record-keeping system, when in fact the dosimeter calibrations had expired. The dosimeters were collected, along with the optically stimulated dosimeters of the individuals who wore them, and they will be processed to determine the actual radiation dose those individuals received. The electronic dosimeter calibration dates were corrected in the record-keeping system. A critique of the incident was held.  (NE-ID-BEA-CFA-2012-0005).

Operational Summary

Research "Cave": There's a cave in Idaho drawing visits from a wide range of researchers, from nuclear scientists to utility engineers to geologists. They're all flocking to the Computer Assisted Virtual Environment (CAVE) in the Center for Advanced Energy Studies at Idaho National Laboratory. Since it was installed in 2010, scientists, engineers, architects and others have used the immersive 3-D environment for a variety of projects, including studying transmission line routes and examining subsurface terrain.


DOE-ID Operations Summary Releases

Last updated November 19, 2012

Contact Brad Bugger