DOE-Idaho Operations Summary

DOE-ID Bi-Weekly Summary
For the Period January 24, 2012 to February 6, 2012

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a regular summary of operations at DOE's Idaho Site. It has been compiled in response to a request from stakeholders for more information on health, safety and environmental incidents at DOE facilities in Idaho. It also includes a brief summary of accomplishments at the laboratory. The report is broken down by contractor: Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project (AMWTP), Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL). This summary will be sent to everyone on INL's regular news release distribution list every other week. To be added to this distribution list, please call Brad Bugger at (208) 526-0833.

Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project

Jan. 24: An electrical fire occurred at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project when power was restored to a drum lidding machine after it had been shut down for in-cell cleanup activities. When power was restored to the machine, an operator noticed arcing and a small flame. The operator immediately hit the disconnect switch supplying power, the arcing stopped and the flame extinguished. The equipment was then locked out until an investigation of the incident is completed and corrective actions are taken. (EM-ID—ITG-AMWTF-2012-0003).

Jan. 30: At the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project, an operator failed to conduct a pre-operation safety check, as required by procedure, before generating X-rays on a radiography system. The radiography system was placed in suspension mode until an investigation into the incident is completed and corrective actions are taken. (EM-ID—ITG-AMWTF-2012-0004).

Feb. 1: The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project experienced its fourth technical safety requirement violation in less than ten weeks, an indication of an increasingly negative trend. AMWTP management responded with a list of immediate corrective actions to address the concerns. (EM-ID—ITG-AMWTF-2012-0005).

Operational Summary

Waste Shipments: There have been no shipments of contact-handled transuranic waste for the week ending Feb. 3, due to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant’s (WIPP) annual planned maintenance outage. The next shipment of contact-handled transuranic waste will be February 13, 2012.


Idaho Cleanup Project

Jan. 24: An uncontrolled hazardous energy source was confirmed at the Integrated Waste Treatment Unit. Operators investigating potential leakage from a locked-shut valve discovered the valve was locked and tagged in the open position due to an incorrectly installed valve actuator. The discovery was entered into the action tracking system for resolution. (EM-ID—CWI-IWTU-2012-0001).    

Operational Summary

Buried Waste Remediation Update: Processing of waste exhumed from the Accelerated Retrieval Project (ARP) VI was completed recently. The contractor began removing over-burden from buried waste at ARP VII, and construction continues on ARP VIII.


Idaho National Laboratory

Jan. 24: An Idaho National Laboratory employee slipped on the ice in the parking lot of an Idaho Falls facility, injuring his ankle. The employee was evaluated at the INL medical dispensary, and was advised to seek additional evaluation and treatment from his private physician. The snow removal contractor was instructed to check the area and apply additional ice melt, and inspect other parking areas that may require additional treatment to mitigate slip and fall hazards. (NE-ID—BEA-INLLABS-2012-0002).

Jan. 26: During welding activities inside a glove box at the Materials and Fuels Complex Analytical Laboratory, a small fire broke out. The person assigned to fire watch extinguished the fire by pouring a gallon of liquid present in the glove box on the fire, while other personnel evacuated the building. No breach of the glove box containment occurred. A causal analysis of the fire will be undertaken, with appropriate corrective actions implemented. (NE-ID—BEA-AL-2012-0001).

Operational Summary

New INL Fellow Named: Joyce Rempe, a nuclear engineer with over 25 years of research and development experience, has been selected as an Idaho National Laboratory Fellow. She joins the elite ranks held by only nine others at INL. The designation of Laboratory Fellow is the top scientific achievement designation and recognizes an individual's outstanding contributions to the scientific and engineering community.
Rempe holds a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During her 23-year tenure at the laboratory, she has established an international reputation in severe accident analysis, high temperature testing and advanced in-pile instrumentation. She currently leads in-pile instrumentation development for the Advanced Test Reactor's National Scientific User Facility and Fuel Cycle Research and Development programs.


DOE-ID Operations Summary Releases

Last updated February 09, 2012

Contact Brad Bugger