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Atlantic Swordfish

Swordfish are one of the largest and fastest predators in the Atlantic Ocean and can reach a maximum size of nearly 1,200 pounds. They are distinguished by a large, flat, smooth bill that grows from the upper jaw.
ICCAT Stock Assessments
Fishwatch:  North Atlantic Swordfish
Article: North Atlantic Swordfish – A Sustainable Choice

Buy or Renew an HMS Fishing Permit

A federal fishing permit is required to fish for swordfish (recreationally or commercially) in federal waters of the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea, and landed (retained) swordfish must be reported recreationally within 24 hours of landing, or reported commercially by a federally-permitted swordfish dealer.

HMS Angling (recreational) permit   HMS Charter/Headboat permit   Swordfish General Commercial permit

Limited Access Federal Swordfish Permits (Commercial): Contact the Southeast Regional Permits Office for information on renewing, selling, or buying an existing permit. No new limited access permits are being issued.

Report an Atlantic Swordfish Recreational Landing

Spanish Recreational Reporting Reminder [PDF]

Recreational Fishing

Dealer and Import/Exporter

Other Management Information and Regulations