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NOAA's Paleoclimatology Program has assembled the following products from our large archive of paleoclimatology data. These products provide information needed to understand and effectively model interannual to centennial-scale environmental variability.

IPCC 2007 Fig. 6-10b, annual temperature reconstructions.

IPCC 2007 Fig. 6-10b, annual temperature reconstructions.

NOAA Paleoclimatology Reconstructions Network

The NOAA Paleoclimatology Programs's last two plus millennium Paleoclimate Network contains 92 high-resolution temperature records, annual and seasonal recalibrations to an instrumental temperature record, and a large accumulation of over 1,200 high-resolution climatic proxy datasets that have been used in several recent reconstructions of hemispheric and global temperatures. The Network also contains gridded global instrumental data covering 1850–2010 as well as the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research Reanalysis. With this proxy and instrumental information, researchers and others interested in later-Holocene climate can now find a complete set of data tools needed to calibrate and make temperature reconstructions. They can compare these with the accumulated high-resolution reconstructions in the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program's archive. Each data type is available in three standard formats to facilitate working in a variety of computational environments: ASCII, Excel, and netCDF.

More information on the NOAA Paleoclimatology Reconstructions Network

PAGES 2K Regions Map

PAGES 2K Regions Map

Past Global Changes 2K Network

The Past Global Changes (PAGES) 2K Network is made up of nine regional working groups. Each regional group collects and processes the best time series and spatial reconstructions of important climate system variables, for example surface and 500 hPa geopotential height, temperature, and precipitation. The reconstructed maps and time series will be analyzed in combination with the best ensemble runs of existing Earth System Models.

The working groups address three key questions:

  • What did the main patterns and modes of climate variability on sub-decadal to orbital timescales look and operate like?
  • How do climate variability and extreme events relate to the important primary forcing factors, namely orbital, solar, and volcanic factors?
  • What feedbacks operated to modulate the climate response? 

More information on the Past Global Changes 2K Network

Global temperature map

Global temperature map

Paleoclimatology Reconstruction Challenge

The last two millennia Paleoclimatology Reconstruction (PR) Challenge is designed to engage the scientific PR community in examining its methods in a common framework for evaluating their relative strengths and weaknesses. NOAA's Paleoclimatology Program will distribute pseudoproxy datasets that researchers can use to create reconstructions and will distribute the contributed reconstructions to be cross-compared. A key portion of the Challenge's design is to allow a true "apples to apples" comparison of methods across identical experimental platforms. The ultimate goal is to improve last two millennia PR methods so that paleoclimatology science can offer the best possible information to help understand both natural and human-caused climate change.

More information on the PR-Challenge Pseudo-Proxy and Pseudo-Instrumental Data