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News Around NOAA

NWS logo December 21, 2016 - Get your snowstorm smarts on: 6 forecast tools to use this winter
Geek out with us to learn about 6 winter weather forecast tools you can tinker with online. In the process, see where, when and how much snow, ice and wind is predicted — important information to share with your friends and family this winter.
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December 7, 2016 - Experimental Snowfall Graphics

New snowfall graphics now available from local NWS websites.
November 23, 2016 - NWS giving thanks to their communities
This year the National Weather Service gave back to their local communities in many different ways, ultimately showing thanks to all those they serve every day of the year.
Heather WadeNovember 22, 2016 - Observing and Predicting the 2015-2016 El Niño
Alongside colleagues in Australia and Peru, NOAA scientists involved with observing and predicting the 2015-2016 El Niño co-authored an article about the event and prediction.
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