Cover Crops: Complete List

Cover Crops: Complete List

Cover Crops: Complete List

View a list of all the resources in the Cover Crop Topic Room.

Browse this page, or jump straight to the following subtopics:

Cover Crops: Selection and Management

Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition


Managing Cover Crops Profitably explores how and why cover crops work and provides all the information needed to build cover crops into any farming operation.

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Crop Rotation on Organic Farms


Crop rotation strategies that can be applied under various field conditions for conventional or organic crops to improve soil quality and health, and manage pests, diseases, and weeds

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SARE Cover Crops Webinars


As part of the Missouri SARE State Program, Debi Kelly hosted two webinars on Cover Crops in fall 2012. Presenters included Charles Ellis, a Natural Resource Engineer with the Lincoln County University of Missouri Extension Center, and Rich Hoormann, an Agronomy Specialist with Montgomery County University of Missouri Extension Center. 

Cover Crops in Soybean Rotations


If you are a soybean farmer who plants or is thinking about planting cover crops in your rotation, or are a CCA/agronomist who is expanding cover crop services to soybean farmers, this publication has been written for you.

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Dryland Cover Cropping Boosts Yields


Nebraska farmers Keith and Brian Berns found they could use cover crops in dryland farming to increase corn yields, and now are sharing their knowledge.

Cover Crops for All Seasons


This Virginia Association for Biological Farming information sheet provides research-based information on a cover crop “toolbox” from which growers can select cover crops most suited to their regions and production systems.

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Nitrogen Management with Cover Crop Mixtures


Charlie White, of Penn State Extension, presents case studies of how mixtures of different cover crop types performed at supplying nitrogen to a following corn crop and reducing nitrate leaching into the subsoil. Tools to assess nitrogen supplied by cover crops to the next cash crop are also discussed.

New York Cover Crops Decision Tool


This online tool is designed for the soil, climate, cropping practices and seed market in New York and nearby states.

Selecting Cover Crops


This session addressed the relative pros and cons of various cover crop species, including the less common cover crops and cover crops suited to grazing use. 

Annual Cover Crops in Florida Vegetable Systems


Fact sheet series from the University of Florida IFAS Extension on integrating cover crops in vegetable production systems in Florida.

Cover Crops Seed Selection and Planting


Whether you are new to cover crops or an advanced user, hear from two experts on how they chose and seed their cover crops.

Cover Crop Management and Termination


Planning for proper spring management of your cover crop needs to happen before April. Learn from two experts in the field on a couple different methods for termination.

Video: Integrating Oilseed Radish for Vegetable Growers


In 2013, Iowa State University Assistant Professor, Ajay Nair, received an NCR-SARE Professional Development grant to train agricultural professionals on concepts and application of cover crops in fruit and vegetable production systems. In a video, Nair demonstrates some of the benefits of integrating oilseed radish into vegetable cropping systems. 

Cover Crops in Organic Systems


These documents provide an overview of how the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS Cover Crop 340 conservation practice can be implemented on organic operations. Specific reports include Western Region, California, Idaho, and Oregon.

Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: Economics

Organic Fertilizer and Cover Crop Calculator


This free online tool compares the nutrient value and cost of cover crops, organic and synthetic fertilizers and compost. Use this Excel Calculator to develop well balanced and cost effective nutrient management programs for your farm.

Winter Rye Cover Crop Effect on Cash Crop Yields


Cover Crops are an important addition to any farming system to improve soil quality and decrease soil erosion or nutrient loss. Cover crops are normally planted without the intention of a direct harvest. Rather, they are planted for the multiple benefits they provide to the farmer and the environment. In Iowa, cover crops are usually planted into standing corn or soybean crops or are planted after grain harvest. Farmers are concerned that a winter rye cover crop could negatively impact their cash crop yields. 

In this research report from Practical Farmers of Iowa, fall cover crop impacts on corn and soybean yields are summarized.

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Cover Crops in Soybean Rotations


If you are a soybean farmer who plants or is thinking about planting cover crops in your rotation, or are a CCA/agronomist who is expanding cover crop services to soybean farmers, this publication has been written for you.

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Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: Establishment

Comparison of Cover Crop Establishment Methods


This research report from Practical Farmers of Iowa presents data about a cover of hairy vetch, tillage radish and rapeseed established in strips by both aerial seeding into standing soybeans and drilling after soybean harvest.

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Cover Crops for Soil Health and Nutrient Conservation and Update on the PSU Cover Crop Interseeder


Dr. Sjoerd Duiker presents how cover crops can be used to conserve nutrients over the winter, reduce erosion, and replace nitrogen fertilizer needs in the following crop. Dr. Greg Roth presents an update on the Penn State Cover Crop Interseeder, including results from field trials testing the establishment of different cover crop species when interseeded into standing corn crop.

Using Manually Operated Seeders for Precision Cover Crop Plantings on the Small Farm


This information sheet describes research in Virginia on using inexpensive, manually operated seeders to establish consistent cover crop stands.

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Innovative Ways to Seed Cover Crops


This session featured a panel of farmers talking about their experiences with a variety of approaches to seeding and establishing cover crops. 

Cover Crops Seed Selection and Planting


Whether you are new to cover crops or an advanced user, hear from two experts on how they chose and seed their cover crops.

Cover Crops in Organic Systems


These documents provide an overview of how the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS Cover Crop 340 conservation practice can be implemented on organic operations. Specific reports include Western Region, California, Idaho, and Oregon.

Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: Rotations

Cover Crops in Soybean Rotations


If you are a soybean farmer who plants or is thinking about planting cover crops in your rotation, or are a CCA/agronomist who is expanding cover crop services to soybean farmers, this publication has been written for you.

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Crop Rotation on Organic Farms


Crop rotation strategies that can be applied under various field conditions for conventional or organic crops to improve soil quality and health, and manage pests, diseases, and weeds

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Sustainable Crop Rotations with Cover Crops


This fact sheet provides information about specific attributes of different cover crops grown after each cash crop.

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Growing Cover Crops with a Cash Crop


Dan Forgey describes how he grows cover crop mixes in synch with a cash crop of corn, and gets strong yields without chemical fertilizer.

Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: Soil and Fertility Management

Building Soils for Better Crops, 3rd Edition


Building Soils for Better Crops is a one-of-a-kind, practical guide to ecological soil management, now expanded and in full color.

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Organic Fertilizer and Cover Crop Calculator


This free online tool compares the nutrient value and cost of cover crops, organic and synthetic fertilizers and compost. Use this Excel Calculator to develop well balanced and cost effective nutrient management programs for your farm.

Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Release from Cover Crops


This Oregon State University fact sheet explains the basics of plant-available nitrogen (PAN); when to kill cover crops for the maximum PAN benefit; step-by-step instructions on how to perform site-specific measurements to predict PAN from your cover crop; and case studies from the Willamette Valley.

Understanding Soil Microbes and Nutrient Recycling


This fact sheet provides information about soil microbes, nutrient recycling, and microbial soil organic matter decomposition.

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Using Cover Crops to Improve Soil and Water Quality


This fact sheet highlights the physical, chemical, biological, and economic benefits of using cover crops in a sustainable cropping system.

Download File (334.77 kB)

The Biology of Soil Compaction


This fact sheet discusses how soil porosity, water infiltration, soil aeration, and soil structure increase under natural vegetation and no-till systems with continuous living cover.

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Cover Crops for Soil Health and Nutrient Conservation and Update on the PSU Cover Crop Interseeder


Dr. Sjoerd Duiker presents how cover crops can be used to conserve nutrients over the winter, reduce erosion, and replace nitrogen fertilizer needs in the following crop. Dr. Greg Roth presents an update on the Penn State Cover Crop Interseeder, including results from field trials testing the establishment of different cover crop species when interseeded into standing corn crop.

Cover Cropping: On-Farm, Solar-Powered Soil Building


This information sheet gives an overview of how to use cover crops to maintain good levels of nutrients and organic matter in the soil.

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Optimizing Weed Suppression and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Cover Crop-Based No-Till Organic Corn


In this webinar, Hanna Poffenbarger of the University of Maryland and Steven Mirsky of the USDA-ARS Sustainable Agriculture Systems Lab discuss optimizing cover crop mixture composition and manure application to achieve weed suppression and adequate, efficient nitrogen delivery in a cover crop-based no-till corn system.

Nitrogen Management with Cover Crop Mixtures


Charlie White, of Penn State Extension, presents case studies of how mixtures of different cover crop types performed at supplying nitrogen to a following corn crop and reducing nitrate leaching into the subsoil. Tools to assess nitrogen supplied by cover crops to the next cash crop are also discussed.

Soil Health Principles


This session covered basic principles necessary to build soil health.

Cover Crops as Part of an Overall Nutrient Management System


Learn from soil health experts about some of the latest research on impacts of cover crops on soil nutrients.

Cover Crops, Soil Health Principles and Maximizing Yields


Learn about basic soil health principles and how cover crops are key to making those happen on your farm.

Combining Livestock, Manure and Cover Crops


A livestock and cover crop combination is the fastest way to profit from your investment.

Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: Water Management

Dryland Cover Cropping Boosts Yields


Nebraska farmers Keith and Brian Berns found they could use cover crops in dryland farming to increase corn yields, and now are sharing their knowledge.

SARE Cover Crops Webinars


As part of the Missouri SARE State Program, Debi Kelly hosted two webinars on Cover Crops in fall 2012. Presenters included Charles Ellis, a Natural Resource Engineer with the Lincoln County University of Missouri Extension Center, and Rich Hoormann, an Agronomy Specialist with Montgomery County University of Missouri Extension Center. 

Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: Pest Management

Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook


Buckwheat has been used to suppress weeds on Northeastern farms for 400 years. This handbook outlines how to use buckwheat as an economical weed-control tool, with recommendations based on extensive grower surveys, original research and on-farm trials.

Download File (458.29 kB)

Influence of Cover Crops on Insect Pests and Predators in Conservation Tillage Cotton


Results of a two-year research project to determine the impact of several cover crops on pest and predator insects in conservation tillage cotton.

A Sunn Hemp Cover Crop for Soil Health and Nematode Management


These University of Hawaii fact sheets and virtual field day explain how to use sunn hemp as a cover crop to control weeds, nematodes and other pests, add soil nutrients, prevent erosion, and contribute to a more robust and complex community of beneficial nematodes.

Winter Annual Weed Suppression in Rye–Vetch Cover Crop Mixtures


Zachary Hayden received an NCR-SARE Graduate Student Grant to evaluate the relative effects of rye, hairy vetch, and rye-vetch mixture cover crops on the biomass and density of winter annual weed communities. This SARE research supports that winter cover crops composed of rye or vetch (or both) can significantly suppress winter annual weeds. 

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Invertebrate Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Conservation Tillage Cropping Systems


In this webinar by Dr. Mary Barbercheck and Maggie Douglas, learn the basics about key early-season insect and slug pests that can pose problems in conservation tillage systems with high amounts of cover crop residues and how crop management practices can help reduce pest damage. Also, learn about ongoing research into naturally-occurring predators of early season insects and slugs and how best to conserve them.

Optimizing Weed Suppression and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Cover Crop-Based No-Till Organic Corn


In this webinar, Hanna Poffenbarger of the University of Maryland and Steven Mirsky of the USDA-ARS Sustainable Agriculture Systems Lab discuss optimizing cover crop mixture composition and manure application to achieve weed suppression and adequate, efficient nitrogen delivery in a cover crop-based no-till corn system.

Beyond Black Plastic


While the use of black plastic is allowed within organic agriculture, it is inherently unsustainable as it is a petroleum-based product and difficult to recycle.

This 24-page guide looks beyond plasticulture and evaluates the effects of different mulch systems on soil quality and fertility, weed control, yields and waste production, and profitability for small to mid-size vegetable farms.

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Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: No-Till

Using Cover Crops to Convert to No-till


This fact sheet explains how growing cover crops can help farmers adapt faster to a continuous no-till system.

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Cover Crops and No-Till Management for Organic Systems


This Rodale Institute fact sheet reviews the use of cover crops and no-till in organic systems, including selection, establishment and mechanical termination of cover crops; crop rotations; and energy and production budgets.

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Adding Cover Crops to a No-Till System


South Dakota farm manager Dan Forgey has improved soil quality and the bottom line by successfully introducing cover crops to his long-term no-till system.

Grant Puts (Good) Crimp in Farm Operations


It all began in 2002 with a $6,500 SARE grant and the seed of an idea: a no-till tractor implement that rolls, crimps and kills cover crops, creating a weed suppressing mulch.

Spring Seedbed Characteristics after Winter-Killed Cover Crops


Dr. Ray Weil and Natalie Lounsbury have been investigating the possibility of no-till planting early spring vegetables such as spinach and lettuce after a forage radish cover crop without the use of herbicides. They discuss soil moisture, temperature and nutrient status in early spring as well as seedling emergence and yield.

Reduced Tillage and Cover Cropping Systems for Organic Vegetable Production


This information sheet captures research by Virginia Tech and the Virginia Association for Biological Farming to develop cover crop-based, reduced-tillage systems for organic vegetable production.

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Invertebrate Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Conservation Tillage Cropping Systems


In this webinar by Dr. Mary Barbercheck and Maggie Douglas, learn the basics about key early-season insect and slug pests that can pose problems in conservation tillage systems with high amounts of cover crop residues and how crop management practices can help reduce pest damage. Also, learn about ongoing research into naturally-occurring predators of early season insects and slugs and how best to conserve them.

Optimizing Weed Suppression and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Cover Crop-Based No-Till Organic Corn


In this webinar, Hanna Poffenbarger of the University of Maryland and Steven Mirsky of the USDA-ARS Sustainable Agriculture Systems Lab discuss optimizing cover crop mixture composition and manure application to achieve weed suppression and adequate, efficient nitrogen delivery in a cover crop-based no-till corn system.

No-Till and Cover Crop Innovations Increase Dairy Profits


To help dairy farmers optimize overall forage production and quality, SARE-funded researchers led field trials and demonstrations in three New England states to determine the benefits of cover crops, no-till and shorter-season corn silage varieties. 

Integrating No-Till or Strip-Till with Cover Crops


Maximize soil conservation and soil health benefits of cover crops by combining this practice with no-till or strip-till systems.

Beyond Black Plastic


While the use of black plastic is allowed within organic agriculture, it is inherently unsustainable as it is a petroleum-based product and difficult to recycle.

This 24-page guide looks beyond plasticulture and evaluates the effects of different mulch systems on soil quality and fertility, weed control, yields and waste production, and profitability for small to mid-size vegetable farms.

Download File (1.51 MB)

Video: Reduced Tillage Systems for Organic Vegetable Production


In this video, Iowa State University graduate student, Dana Jokela, talks about the research he conducted through an NCR-SARE Graduate Student Grant to compare no tillage, strip tillage, and conventional tillage in the organic production of broccoli and bell pepper to determine their effects on yield, soil health, and cropping system profitability.

Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Cover Crops: Miscellaneous

Role of Cover Crops in Converting Perennial Pasture to Vegetable Ground


In West Branch, Iowa, Scattergood Farm converted pasture from perennial alfalfa and clover to vegetable crop ground from summer 2010 to spring 2011. This research report from Practical Farmers of Iowa summarizes the effects of two cover crops or no cover crop on numbers of weeds and compaction measured by soil density in a vegetable crop following a transition from a pasture. Farm manager, Mark Quee, felt the cover crops assisted his conversion from pasture ground to vegetable plots. He felt the cover crops helped build soil and reduced weed pressure significantly in preparation for vegetable plants.

Download File (1.97 MB)

Winter Annual Weed Suppression in Rye–Vetch Cover Crop Mixtures


Zachary Hayden received an NCR-SARE Graduate Student Grant to evaluate the relative effects of rye, hairy vetch, and rye-vetch mixture cover crops on the biomass and density of winter annual weed communities. This SARE research supports that winter cover crops composed of rye or vetch (or both) can significantly suppress winter annual weeds. 

Download File (190.59 kB)

Winter Rye Cover Crop Effect on Cash Crop Yields


Cover Crops are an important addition to any farming system to improve soil quality and decrease soil erosion or nutrient loss. Cover crops are normally planted without the intention of a direct harvest. Rather, they are planted for the multiple benefits they provide to the farmer and the environment. In Iowa, cover crops are usually planted into standing corn or soybean crops or are planted after grain harvest. Farmers are concerned that a winter rye cover crop could negatively impact their cash crop yields. 

In this research report from Practical Farmers of Iowa, fall cover crop impacts on corn and soybean yields are summarized.

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Environmental Impacts of Cover Crops


Speakers in this session discussed both local and off-site environmental impacts of using cover crops.

Grazing Cover Crops and Benefits for Livestock Operations


This session explored integrating cover crops with livestock operations.

Combining Livestock, Manure and Cover Crops


A livestock and cover crop combination is the fastest way to profit from your investment.

Using Sunn Hemp as a Cover Crop in Oklahoma


OSU Extension fact sheet on sunn hemp as a cover crop.

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Native bees and flowering cover crops


While managed colonies of European honey bees are most frequently used for crop pollination, wild or native bees commonly provide the same pollination services for ‘free’ without the costs of renting or maintaining honey bee hives.

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Agroecological Strategies to Enhance On-Farm Insect Pollinators


This chapter from Manage Insects on Your Farm describes how to use cover crops, hedgerows, reduced tillage and other strategies to support native pollinators and beneficial insects.

Also, visit SARE's database for reports on these research projects:

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Dig deeper into cover crops research: SARE has funded hundreds of research and education projects related to cover crops since 1988. This topic room features only a glimpse into SARE's entire portfolio of cover crop research. To discover more, visit SARE's database of projects and conduct full text or advanced keyword searches.

Building Soils for Better Crops, 3rd Edition

Type: Book

Building Soils for Better Crops is a one-of-a-kind, practical guide to ecological soil management, now expanded and in full color.

Published: 2010
Pages: 294

Online Version: Free

Download File (6.76 MB)
Print Version:

Farmers Say Cover Crops Work

cover image

From increasing yield to improving soil health, find out why farmers use cover crops. For three years, SARE and partner organizations have conducted a national survey of farmers on their experiences with cover crops.

2012-2013 Survey: Summary and report (PDF).

2013-2014 Survey: Summary and report (PDF).

2014-2015 Survey: Summary and report (PDF).

2015-2016 Survey: Summary and report (PDF)


Cover Crop Innovators Series

Watch short videos of innovative farmers from across the country describing how they have successfully added cover crops to their cash crop rotations. Learn more.