HRC Story


The Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 1.5 million members and supporters nationwide. As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.

HIV 360° Fellowship Program

HIV 360 Fellowship Program


Made possible with support from the Elton John AIDS Foundation, HIV 360° is a capacity-building fellowship program for young, nonprofit leaders ready to take HIV-inclusive organizations and initiatives to the next level. We're looking for people – under the age of 35 – in leadership roles at organizations and initiatives focused on the communities hit hardest by HIV and AIDS. Ultimately, we want the HIV 360° Fellowship Program to be a transformative experience – for our fellows, their organizations, and the communities they serve. Click here to meet the 2016 cohort of HIV 360° Fellows.


The goals of the HIV 360° Fellowship Program are to:

  • Improve fellows nonprofit management skills
  • Icrease fellows' leadership self-efficacy
  • Develop fellows as thought leaders on issues related to HIV and AIDS
  • Foster an informal peer-to-peer support network


In order to qualify for the HIV 360° Fellowship Program, you must:

  • Be between the ages of 21-35 upon submitting your application
  • Live and work in the United States of America
  • Be in a leadership and/or project management role at an organization or initiative that provides HIV-related services AND/OR engages in HIV-related advocacy directly or indirectly.  This organization must either be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization organization OR your initiative must have a formal, written relationship with a 501(c)(3) fiscal agent
  • Be willing and able to participate in various online and in-person trainings, which will require travel to Washington, D.C.
  • Be willing and able to carry out a grant-funded community service project in your city, town, or region

Application Process

The 2017 application for the HIV 360° Fellowship Program will open on January 23rd.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the fellowship program?

The program is nine months long. It begins in April 2017 and concludes in December 2017.

What constitutes a leadership role?

We define “leadership role” as any position that has managerial responsibility of a team (e.g., staff, volunteers), project, and/or program. This includes but is certainly not limited to chief executives, program directors, and project managers. Positions that are purely administrative or programmatic are not eligible for the HIV 360° Fellowship Program.

What does the fellowship program entail?

Over the course of nine months, fellows will receive leadership and organizational development training, mentorship, professional coaching, a personal stipend, a mini-grant to complete a community service project, and opportunities for strategic partnership and collaboration with the HRC Foundation. In return, fellows are expected to attend three, in-person skill-building retreats as well as design, implement, and evaluate a grant-funded community service project benefiting their city, town, or region.

What is the time committment?

In total, fellows should anticipate spending 8 to 10 days away from their offices (if employed) and an additional 4-6 hours per month working on program-related activities, during the nine-month period.

What does it cost to be an HIV 360° Fellow?

HIV 360° is run at no-cost to fellows or their organizations and is administered by the HRC Foundation in Washington, D.C.

How many fellows are you looking for?

We plan to select no more than (10) HIV 360° fellows in 2017. Click here to read about the 2016 cohort.

What is the application and selection process like?

Eligible candidates must submit an online application no later by 9:00PM EST on February 28th. Qualified applicants will then be invited to participate in one or more interviews with HRC Foundation staff and allies. We plan to extend offers in March and announce the 2017 cohort in early April.

What are you looking for in an HIV 360° fellow?

HIV 360° fellows are smart, passionate individuals with a proven track record of leadership, compassion, and success. HIV 360° fellows will be committed to social and economic justice and will be familiar with the current realities of HIV prevention, treatment, and care, especially among LGBTQ communities. Fellows are eager to learn more about themselves and others – all in hopes of bringing about an end to the epidemic. Click here to read about the 2016 cohort.

Does my organization need to have its own 501(c)(3) status?

Your organization or intiative must have its own 501(c)(3) status OR a formal, written relationship with a 501(c)(3) fiscal agent. We will require documentation of 501(c)(3) status.

The Human Rights Campaign is an LGBTQ civil rights organization. Do I need to be LGBTQ-identified? Does my organization need to work with LGBTQ people?

You do not need to be a member of the LGBTQ community to be part of this program, nor does your organization need to work exclusively with LGBTQ people. That said, we are committed to supporting individuals, organizations, and initiatives that work with the communities most heavily impacted by HIV, which includes gay and bisexual men, transgender women, young people, communities of color, people living in the American South, and people who exist at the intersection of those identities.

How is this program different from other leadership development programs?

This program is meant to complement existing leadership development programs, while also providing some unique benefits (e.g. mini-grant funding for community service projects). While individual leadership development is certainly part of our program, we plan to focus as much on the "nuts and bolts" of successful nonprofit management and organizational development for long-term sustainability.

How will this program help bring about an end to the HIV epidemic?

Our program has been designed to help young, nonprofit leaders help their organizations improve their efforts to reduce new HIV transmissions, increase access to care, improve health outcomes, and reduce HIV-related health disparities and health inequities among key populations, including LGBTQ people and allies.


Important Dates

  • January 23: Application opens
  • Feb 15: Informational webinar @ 1:00PM EST
  • Feb 28: Application closes
  • April 10: HIV 360° Fellows announced
  • April 19-24: First skill-building retreat
  • June 21-25: Second skill-building retreat
  • December 7-10: Third skill-building retreat


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