Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Fish Creek Watershed Advisory Group (WAG)

Watershed advisory groups (WAGs) provide local public input and guidance to DEQ during the development of water quality improvement plans or "Total Maximum Daily Loads" (TMDLs) for water bodies that fail to meet water quality standards. TMDLs are designed to reduce the levels of pollutants, such as bacteria and sediment, in impaired water bodies.

The Fish Creek WAG was formed to develop and implement TMDLs to improve water quality in the Fish Creek watershed, which is contained within the Upper Spokane Subbasin. The Upper Spokane River Subbasin Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads developed in 2000 did not directly address excess pollutant loads within the Fish Creek watershed. Therefore, a separate document, entitled Fish Creek Watershed Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads, was developed in January 2007, submitted to public comment in early-2008, and approved by EPA in June 2008. An implementation plan is under development.

Next Scheduled Meeting Date

To Be Determined

Review Documents

Previous Meetings

September 29, 2009
February 10, 2009
November 18, 2008
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
September 23, 2008
January 15, 2008
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
October 16, 2007
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
September 25, 2007
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
July 17, 2007
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
May 22, 2007
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
Potential Natural Vegetation Temperature TMDLs (Presentation by Mark Sumar & Jessica Moore, Idaho DEQ)
April 17, 2007
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ

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Related Pages

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs): Water Quality Improvement Plans

Watershed Advisory Groups

Spokane River (Upper) Subbasin