Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

DEQ Divisions

DEQ's division staff, housed in the agency's state office in Boise, are responsible for developing environmental policies and procedures and coordinating their implementation statewide; compiling, analyzing, and reporting environmental data; and maintaining agency relationships with environmental partners.

Air Quality

Assures compliance with federal and state health-based air quality standards by monitoring air quality and collecting data; developing and issuing permits; and coordinating air quality improvement efforts among communities, citizen groups, businesses, industries, other state agencies, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Learn more.

Water Quality

Assures that the state's surface, ground, and drinking water resources meet state water quality standards by setting water quality standards and providing Clean Water Act Section 401 certification; monitoring, assessing, and reporting on surface water quality; developing and implementing water quality improvement plans known as Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs); protecting the quality of public drinking water and ground water resources; providing guidance for managing storm water; establishing standards for on-site wastewater systems (septic systems); issuing wastewater-land application permits; and providing grants and loans. Learn more.

Waste Management and Remediation

Ensures that wastes generated in or entering Idaho are managed and disposed in a manner protective of human health and the environment and respond to existing releases of hazardous substances to surface waters, ground water, or soils. Learn more.

Technical Services

Provides scientific and engineering support to the agency's divisions and regions including performing engineering reviews and construction inspections; conducts air, water and waste compliance and enforcement inspections; identifies and quantifies environmental problems related to ground water, soils, rock masses, and the interaction of surface water with ground water; plans and participates in subbasin assessments and preparation of water quality improvement plans (TMDLs); reviews technical aspects of air permit applications, industrial facility emission tests, state implementation plans (SIPs), emission inventory data, emission controls, and air quality compliance issues; provides technical support for evaluation of hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste permits; and develops innovative fate, transport and risk modeling approaches for all programs. Performs the agency's information technology and quality assurance functions. Learn more.

DEQ State Office

1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0502 or (866) 790-4337

Staff Contacts

Air Quality Division Administrator
Tiffany Floyd
(208) 373-0552

Water Quality Division Administrator
Barry Burnell
(208) 373-0194

Waste Management & Remediation Division Administrator
Michael McCurdy
(208) 373-0148

Technical Services Division Administrator
Mark Dietrich
(208) 373-0204

Related Links

DEQ's Organizational Chart