Consultation Resources and Reference Materials

Consultation Resources and Reference Materials

President Obama speaks at the 2013
President Obama speaks at the 2013 White House Tribal Nations Conference.

"My Administration remains committed to self-determination, the right of tribal governments to build and strengthen their own communities. Each year I host the White House Tribal Nations Conference, and our work together has translated into action."

- President, Barack Obama
2013 Presidential Proclamation

Consultation Resources and Reference Materials


Consultation Resources

Sample Ground Rules pdf [62 KB]

Procedural satisfaction for successful consultation: Ground Rules

Consultation with Multiple Tribes pdf [60 KB]

This worksheet provides guidance towards working with multiple tribes or a tribal consortia

The Consultation Process ppt [1.29 MB]

This PowerPoint presentation provides an in-depth review of the Consultation process.

Guide on Consultation and Collaboration with Indian Tribal Governments and the Public Participation of Indigenous Groups and Tribal Members in Environmental Decision Making pdf [957 KB]

This Report was prepared by the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, Indigenous Peoples Subcommittee; A Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Applied Consultation ppt [4.63 MB]

This presentation helps identify current or potential challenges, problems, solutions and approaches toward successful consultations.

Consultation Protocol Outline pdf [61 KB]

This document provides a basic template that DoD Components or Installations may want to use when establishing consultation efforts with a tribal nation.

The Native Village of Tanacross: Government to Government Relationship Policy pdf [211 KB]

This policy provides an example of a consultation policy from the tribal perspective.

DoD Case Studies and Tribal Agreements

Historical Resources

Legal Resources

Key Laws That Trigger Consultation ppt [237 KB]

This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of laws that elicit the use of consultation.

Section 106 Consultations under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) pdf [48 KB]

This worksheet provides basic guidelines for consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) with a focus upon consultations with Native Americans.

Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Traditional Cultural Properties pdf [13.16 MB]

This report, developed by the U.S. Department of the Interior and The National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, is intended to be an aid in determining whether properties thought or alleged to have traditional cultural significance are eligible for inclusion in the National Register.

Government Agency Tribal Relations: Questions of Federal Recognition, Constitutionality and Fiduciary Relationships pdf [117 KB]

Government Agency Tribal Relations: Questions of Federal Recognition, Constitutionality and Fiduciary Relationships

Major Laws and Policies Dealing With Environmental and Cultural Resources Protection/Impacts on DoD Activities pdf [206 KB]

This worksheet highlights regulatory authorities and consultation obligations between federal agencies and tribal nations.

Trust Responsibility and Consultation Matrix pdf [79 KB]

This worksheet, prepared by the OSD Office of Counsel, depicts the relationship of trust responsibilities and scenarios where they typically apply.

After the Smoke Clears: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Assessing the Effect of Wildland Fires on Traditional Cultural Properties pdf [50 KB]

This report discusses the development and guidelines for assessing fire damage to identified Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for military installations to follow before, during, and after TCPs have been impacted by fires.

Non-Invasive Burial Determination Using Near Surface Geophysical Survey and Soil Chemical Testing at Fort Hood, Texas and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina pdf [433 KB]

This factsheet helps establish a methodology for geophysical testing and chemical sampling with sufficient accuracy to determine if burial or other archeological materials are not present.

Reports and Reference Materials

DoD Resources

Best Practices: Managing Traditional Resources on DoD Lands (Project No. 08-406) pdf [2.56 MB]

This report presents a model of 14 best practices that Cultural Resource Managers and Natural Resource Managers at DoD installations in any geographic region can use to assist them in matters related to consultation and the management of natural resources, or rather traditional, customary, or religious resources of importance to affiliated Indian tribes. The best practices model within this document represents a process for working with Indian people to identify natural resources of concern to them.

U.S. Department of Defense 2007 Desk Guide 1 pdf [5.26 MB]

This Desk Guide serves as a helpful tool for Military Installations and Federally Recognized Tribes located in the South and Eastern United States.

U.S. Department of Defense 2007 Desk Guide 2 pdf [6.12 MB]

This Desk Guide serves as a helpful tool for Military Installations and Federally Recognized Tribes located in the South and Eastern United States.

Native American Sacred Sites and the Department of Defense pdf [19.16 MB]

This 336-page report is about Native Americans and their cultural resource relationships with the DoD. Native Americans, as both citizens and members of dependent nations within the United States and as original occupants of lands that are currently held by the DoD, have a special cultural relationship with these military lands. Chapter 5: A Consultation Model of this report presents a consultation model and describes nine ideal steps for developing a consultation relationship with Native Americans who are culturally affiliated with lands held by a DoD Installation.

Chapter 5: A Consultation Model pdf [3.75 MB]
Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program: Treaty Reserved Rights on DoD Lands pdf [6.92 MB]

This report identifies DoD installation obligations arising from treaties and agreements negotiated by the United States and Indian nations between 1775 and 1954.

3Rs Explosives Safety: Education Program

UXO stands for unexploded ordnance. UXO result from our military's use of munitions during live-fire training or testing. By visiting this website and learning the 3Rs (Recognize, Retreat, Report), you have begun to protect yourself and family from the potential hazards associated with UXO.


Other Agency Resources

White House Blog

White House blog posts related to the Native American community.

Tribal Leaders Directory pdf [1.01 MB]

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) compiled directory of Tribal Leaders and BIA officials. (Spring 2009)

List of Federally Recognized Tribes (updated August 11, 2009) pdf [71 KB]

On April 4, 2008, the U.S. Governments Federal Register issued an official list of 562 tribes in the Federal Register as Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible To Receive Services From the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Consultation with Indian Tribes in the Section 106 Review Process: A Handbook pdf [254 KB]

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservations (ACHP) 30-page handbook on tribal consultation serves as a useful tool for federal agencies engaging with Indian tribes. While the guidance is focused on tribal consultation in the section 106 review process, the consultation principles are rooted in federal law and directives.

The Institute for Tribal Government Desk Guide pdf [1.17 MB]

Desk guide prepared by The Institute for Tribal Government, The Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, College of Urban and Public Affairs Portland State University. This guide is for use by tribal governments and military commanders. Section III, in particular, provides tools that will help tribal governments and all military branches communicate more effectively on issues of mutual concern, especially with respect to activities that may affect tribal lands and resources.

Guide on Consultation and Collaboration with Indian Tribal Governments and the Public Participation of Indigenous Groups and Tribal Members in Environmental Decision Making pdf [957 KB]

This Report was prepared by the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, Indigenous Peoples Subcommittee; A Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Alaska Natives Resources