The Purpose of Metadata

To put it simply, metadata is data which describes other data.

More specifically, metadata is used to describe the what, where, when, how and who about data holdings. As well-managed data is a valuable asset and resource for both present and future use, it is vital to maintain its availability, discoverability, and usability.

NMFS Data Documentation Requirements

Data documentation is a governmental mandate. The NMFS Data and Information Policy Directive (NMFSPD 04-111, July 2010) states, "All data shall shall have a standard set of metadata... and an authoritative source for the data shall be identified."

The scope of applicable data assets is defined by the NMFS Data Documentation Procedural Directive as follows:

  • All NMFS data collections and products derived from these data shall be documented.
  • Data collections funded by NMFS, and products derived from these collections that are funded by NMFS, shall be documented as a project deliverable.
  • Data collections currently in progress and products derived from these data shall be documented as soon as possible but no later than the end of the calendar year in which this Directive is approved
  • Documentation for ongoing collections and products derived from these data must be updated at least annually.
  • All active and planned data collection programs shall provide documentation compliant with the standards established in this Directive, as well as applicable law and other requirements, as a condition of approval and funding.
  • Participants in cooperative data collection programs, such as state agencies and Interstate fisheries commissions, shall be encouraged to fully document their data contributions according to guidance established in this Directive.

More Information:
NMFS Data Documentation Procedural Directive