There are two main ways to import metadata in InPort.

Importing FGDC Metadata

Data Sets can be created and/or updated by uploading standard FGDC (CSDGM) XML files. This capability is intended for metadata authors who already author or manage their own metadata and have a way to export standard FGDC files.

Not all FGDC fields are completely mapped to InPort, but enhancements and expansion of support for fields is ongoing. If you would like to propose specific fields for inclusion, please send us feedback on your specific requirements.

To create a new Data Set from an FGDC file, navigate to the catalog item that will be the parent of this new Data Set. Under the Item Actions menu, click on the link, "Upload FGDC."

To update an existing Data Set from an FGDC file, navigate to the Data Set you wish to update. Under the Item Actions menu, click on the link, "Update from FGDC."

Important Note on FGDC Updates

At this time, updates of Data Sets via FGDC files will overwrite most of the information in the record. An improved merging capability is on the list of desired enhancements for the future, however for the time being, use of the Update feature is recommended mostly for end users who use the FGDC upload feature exclusively, and rarely or never make edits to their records within InPort.

FGDC Updates will preserve all PARR/DMP-related metadata which do not have a FGDC equivalent. This includes:

  • Data Management Section: all fields
  • Data Set Information Section: Instrument, Platform, and Physical Gear
  • Physical Location Section: all fields
  • Keywords Section: all keywords with the thesaurus, "PARR Exclusion"
  • Access Information Section: Security Class and Data Access Procedure
  • Support Roles Section: All Support Roles of type Data Steward
  • Lineage Section: Lineage Statement

In addition, the Catalog Item ID, original Creation Date, and Related Item links will be preserved.

Importing InPort XML

The InPort XML Loader supports the full upload and update of any catalog item. This feature is primarily intended for end users who are already managing their own metadata in a different system, and have the technical means to produce a custom XML export.

Support for metadata required for PARR began with Release 3.4. Subsequent releases expanded this support incrementally until all InPort fields and catalog item types were fully supported in Release 3.7.

For more information on producing and uploading InPort XML files, see the full documentation for the InPort XML Loader.

Batch InPort XML Loader

Multiple InPort XML files can be batch loaded together in one zip file. All normal restrictions apply -- you must have the appropriate role to modify the affected catalog items, and the catalog items must be in an editable workflow state (e.g. Draft for Authors and Publishers, Review/Revise for Publishers).

A link to the Batch InPort XML Loader is available in the right sidebar of the My InPort page. To batch load a set of InPort XML files, zip all desired files into a single .zip file and upload them. The zip file will be queued up and loaded into InPort, and a validation report with the results will be provided. To check on the status of your loaded file, visit the My InPort page.