Formerly the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)… more about NCEI »

U.S. Climate Atlas

These maps are based on the new nClimDiv (New Climate Division) dataset which uses daily observations of temperature and precipitation from over 10,000 stations in the U.S. NCEI scientists are using new methodologies to quality control the daily data, summarize the daily data into monthly values, and creating maps to visualize the information. There are maps for minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and precipitation. There are two types of data that can be displayed; maps for a particular month and year from 1895 to present, or climatology maps. The climatology maps represent average values from 1981 to 2010. These are also known as the "1981-2010 Normals". For more information on the new nClimDiv dataset, visit the U.S. Climate Division Page.





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