Sierra Club Programs

A section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall entering the sea
More than 600 miles of border walls and barriers have been constructed in all four southern border states. This reckless project has meant dire consequences for vast expanses of pristine wild lands, including wildlife refuges, wilderness areas, and national forests. The threat of a mandate to build hundreds of miles of additional wall continues to loom in Congress.
Climate Parents is a diverse national movement of parents, grandparents and families mobilizing for clean energy and climate solutions.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Sierra Club’s Journey to Become a More Equitable, Inclusive and Just Organization
Un recurso del Sierra Club para la comunidad latina sobre el medio ambiente y la salud de su familia.
Electric Vehicles
Oil is responsible for about 40% of U.S. carbon emissions, mostly from the oil we guzzle in our cars, trucks, and buses. Sierra Club is working to accomplish a widespread shift to plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) that rely on little to no oil at all. EVs are much cleaner than conventional vehicles today, even accounting for the emissions from electricity sources. As we shift to more renewable sources of power, EVs become even cleaner over time.
To discuss and explore the linkages between environmental quality and social justice, and to promote dialogue, increased understanding, and appropriate action.
Power Generation
The Sierra Club is the nation's leader in grassroots environmental litigation. We enforce the environmental laws and target the most pressing issues of our generation, such as climate change, fracking and tar sands, through strategic legal advocacy at the federal, state and local level nationwide.
Sierra Club Fair Table - Health Food Labeling
Fair Table, a project of the Sierra Club, supports an expeditious transition to farming and agricultural methods that maximize both cultural and biological diversity, benefit local communities, improve rural livelihoods and preserve natural resources.
Gender Equity and Health
The effects of climate disruption aren’t gender neutral; and neither are the solutions. The communities most impacted by climate disruption are often the ones that contribute the least to the problem. But women and other gender minorities are more than victims of climate disruption, they’re changemakers. The Sierra Club’s Gender, Equity and Environment Program advocates for gender equity so that these communities can become healthier, stronger, and better prepared to adapt to climate disruption.
$1 Million of $500 Million
The Sierra Club works with grassroots partners across the globe to build awareness, strengthen local voices, and transition international public finance beyond dangerous fossil fuels and toward a safe and sustainable future with clean energy access for all.
Unions march for climate justice
The Sierra Club has a long history of solidarity with the labor and economic justice movements.  We work with labor because we're stronger together.  We need millions of working families to help us end climate disruption and build a clean energy economy that works for all. 
The Sierra Club will promote leaders who take bold action on climate and clean energy, and expose those who still choose toxic money over human health. We'll have plenty coming for the 2016 Presidential & Congressional races.
Sierra Club Trade
*NEW* Discussion Paper: A New, Climate-Friendly Approach to Trade
The Sierra Student Coalition (SSC) is a broad network of high school and college-aged youth from across the country working for environmental, climate, and social justice.
Our nation's basic environmental laws are now at serious risk.  Take action now to oppose the nomination of Scott Pruitt to head EPA.Click on this link:
New Mexico Water Sentinels
Water Sentinels defend our waterways by empowering committed local activists with accurate information and training them in water-quality monitoring techniques and grassroots advocacy. The Sierra Club is engaged on a wide range of water issues at the group and chapter level across the country because waterways are easily impacted by pollution, climate, and development. These issues are not isolated to one or two locales but affect communities and people from coast to coast. This is how everyone is invited to join the WATER-SENTINELS-DISCUSSION@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG Send an e-mail message To...
Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center
The Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center (formerly LeConte Memorial Lodge), a National Historic Landmark, was built by Sierra Club volunteers in 1903-04.