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Culture & Education

Our Mission

The U.S. Consulate General Chengdu brings together students and professionals from the United States and China to foster stronger relationships between the two countries.  It also encourages cross-cultural understanding and collaboration by sharing the rich artistic traditions of the United States with Chinese audiences.

The Public Affairs Section administers and funds initiatives to send Chinese students and professionals to the United States and to bring U.S. students and professionals to China.  Alumni of these exchange programs join a network of more than one million people around the world, including more than 40 Nobel Laureates and more than 300 current or former heads of state and government.

Public Affairs staff work with students, educators, artists, athletes, and emerging leaders in many fields to run a range of cultural exchange programs in visual arts, performing arts, film, and arts education as well as English language teaching programs and sports initiatives.  Notable programs include the Fulbright Program, Citizen Exchanges, the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), SportsUnited and English Language Teaching and Learning.

New Publications

  • EJ|USA: The Corporate Conscience
    EJ|USA: The Corporate Conscience

    Read about executives who have hearts for business. Plus, a big anniversary for a grand New York building. Researchers lead the charge for better batteries. Art by and about Hispanic-Americans. Does free speech have to bring hate speech?

  • Everyday Conversations: Learning American English
    Everyday Conversations: Learning American English

    How do Americans greet each other? How do they order a meal? Or ask directions? These 30 dialogues introduce you to everyday American English.

  • ok: Study in the U.S.A.
    Book: Study in the USA

    U.S. colleges and universities differ widely in the academic programs and degrees they offer, as well as in campus life. Some campuses are huge, some tiny. Some are urban, some rural. Some have warm weather, some have cold. But all U.S. colleges strive to provide students a safe, secure environment for studying and learning, with good food and housing and activities outside the classroom. Many schools offer opportunities to meet Americans from all regions of the United States as well as students from around the world.

Book Download

  • Book Download: Shared Sacrifice: U.S.-China Cooperation During World War II

English Corner

  • Wednesday Lecture Schedule
    Wednesday English Lecture
    Combatting Narcotics Addiction in the U.S.
    Dominic Royce, Consulate Staff
    October 12

    Learning English: Resources at Your Fingertips

    Dawn Rogier and Han Fei, U.S. Embassy Beijing

    14:30, December 7

  • Movie night
    Movie Night

Feature: American English

  • AE Webinars Announcement

Test Video