Overall Score

5 / 6

Entity Score

2 / 3

Attribute Score

3 / 3

Entity Score

2 / 3
The Entity Score covers metadata fields related to entity information, identified by NMFS EDM for metadata completeness.

Entity Name

Human readable name for the Entity.

InPort: Item Identification > Title
FGDC: /metadata/eainfo/detailed/enttype/enttypl
ISO 19115: MI_Metadata/contentInfo/MD_FeatureCatalogDescription/featureTypes/localName

Completion Guidance:

Since an Entity in InPort cannot be created without a title, all Entities should already have this field filled out, and the Entity should always receive a point.

Best Practice: The Entity Name should be human-readable and as descriptive as possible, employing terms that clearly identify the specific subject and unique contents of the record.

Entity Type

The type of Entity.
Entity Type was not found.

InPort: Item Identification > Entity Type
FGDC: No equivalent field.
ISO 19115: No equivalent field.

Completion Guidance:

To receive a point, a selection must be made for this field.

Best Practice: Each Entity should identify its type, such as a Data Table, Spreadsheet, GIS File, etc.

Entity Description

A description of the Entity.

InPort: Entity Information > Description
FGDC: /metadata/eainfo/detailed/enttype/enttypd
ISO 19115: MI_Metadata/contentInfo/MD_FeatureCatalogDescription/featureTypes/localName

Completion Guidance:

To receive a point, the Entity Description must be be filled out.

Best Practice: Each Entity should be documented with a meaningful description.

Attribute Score

3 / 3
The Attribute Score covers metadata fields related to attribute information, identified by NMFS EDM for metadata completeness. This score only applies to Entities that are tabular.

Attribute Name

The name of the attribute.

InPort: Data Attributes > Name
FGDC: /metadata/eainfo/detailed/attr/attrlabl
ISO 19115: MI_Metadata/contentInfo/MI_CoverageDescription/attributeDescription

Completion Guidance:

To receive a point, the Entity must have at least one attribute, and each attribute must have a Name. Note: Non-tabular entities are allowed to have no attributes.

Best Practice: Each attribute for the Entity should be identified with a name.

Data Storage Type

The data storage type of the attribute.

InPort: Data Attributes > Data Storage Type
FGDC: /metadata/eainfo/detailed/attr/attrdomv
ISO 19115: No equivalent field.

Completion Guidance:

To receive a point, the Entity must have at least one attribute, and each attribute must have a Data Storage Type. Note: Non-tabular entities are allowed to have no attributes.

Best Practice: Each attribute for the Entity should indicate its data storage type.

Attribute Description

A description of the attribute.

InPort: Data Attributes > Description
FGDC: /metadata/eainfo/detailed/attr/attrdef
ISO 19115: /MI_Metadata/contentInfo/MI_CoverageDescription/attributeDescription

Completion Guidance:

To receive a point, the Entity must have one or more attributes, and each attribute must have a Description. Note: Non-tabular entities are allowed to have no attributes.

Best Practice: Each attribute for the Entity should be documented with a meaningful description.