Long-Range Acquisition Forecast

This Long-Range-Acquisition Forecast acts as an aid for advanced acquisition planning for all of our customers to gain a better understanding of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) requirements. In addition, it is ONR's policy that small, small disadvantaged, women-owned, HubZone veteran-owned and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses receive a fair and equitable share of the contracts awarded by this activity.

The forecast is a tool that will help the small business community to effectively market their technology, goods and services to the cognizant components within ONR. The forecast of ONR's business opportunities include projects of all anticipated actions above $650,000. Download the fiscal year 2012 forecast.

Additional ONR opportunities may be found online at:

Disclaimer: United States Code Title 15, Section 637(A)(12)(C), requires the Department of the Navy to prepare a forecast of expected contract opportunities for next and successive fiscal years and make the forecast available to the small business community. ONR will fulfill this requirement by publishing this forecast on an annual basis as well as update this information throughout the given fiscal year. The long-range acquisition forecast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commitment nor an offer by ONR to fund, in whole or in part, the opportunities identified herein. This listing is not all inclusive and as additional information becomes available, it will be posted. For information on additional ONR funding opportunities visit the Contracts and Grants page.

* Some pages on this website provide links which require a plug in to view.